someone pls tell me how to use distance horizone + simple cloud mod forge + fabric
how to do like forge with fabric cuz dh is fabric mod and simple cloud is forge mod plls help me 🥺🙏

7 Replies
this is my world i want to add distance horizone i already use i want simple cloud mod pls help me

Distant Horizons is also for Forge
Up to 1.20.4
1.20.6 and newer and you have NeoForge, Forge’s replacement as far as the modding community is concerned
yea but that mod was only for 1.20.1 and 1.21.1
Key words “up to”
DH supports Forge on 1.20.1
If you’re going to play on 1.21.1 use NeoForge
tnku tnku
me try i just want dh + this cloud mod its amazing
The mod description says “incompatible with distant horizons for now”
I've heard from several people that they've got it working, so :LL_welpshrug2:
Ah, just found the incompatibility. If you go above the clouds the terrain will generate on top.