gpu 100%, solution?

I have tried to adjust different settings to make the load on my gpu lesser, but still extreme framedrops, from 80 to 3 ish. My initial problem was not enough ram and my cpu took a beating which I have fixed by allocating 8gb ram to minecraft instead of 4 and lowered settings for the cpu, but now the problem has shifted to gpu. In F3 it says my GPU go to 100% especially when I turn around I only use Better Adventures+ modpack and DH, feels like my expensive computer should be able to handle this but I dont really get what settings to focus on, V-sync on/off, fps cap, render distance, nothing seems to change the problem, where should I put my focus? my specs OS: Win 11 cpu: Intel core i7-13700F gpu: NVIDIA geforce RTX 4070 RAM: 32GB
31 Replies
Slooshie•12mo ago
you WANT the GPU to be at 100%. That's how you get the most frames out of your card
SweddeOP•12mo ago
so this is not the reason for my framedrops? at times it says about 40% and dont lag, then all of a sudden when i turn around or something it goes 100% and lags
Slooshie•12mo ago
what shaders are you using? Sounds like either a heavy shader in terms of a certain effect such as water, or that area of your world is very heavy, like lots of leaves or block entities
SweddeOP•12mo ago
1 sec, I wwill check. the area in the world is by the coast and next to forest so this might be it Bliss
Slooshie•12mo ago
hmm Bliss has always performed exceptionally well for me, even better than Complementary, probably thanks to the deferred rendering. could you send a screenshot of your F3 menu?
SweddeOP•12mo ago
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SweddeOP•12mo ago
and as I turned around (lagging around)
SweddeOP•12mo ago
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SweddeOP•12mo ago
fps drop and gpu 100%
Slooshie•12mo ago
I do see a lot of leaves so it may just be that. I would recommend getting the more culling mod and turning on leaves culling
SweddeOP•12mo ago
I mean it works fine when I look forward but as soon as I spin around to check behind me it becomes unplayable I do have entity culling mod through the modpack
Slooshie•12mo ago
I had a similar issue once, where every time I turned my camera just slightly the whole game would hitch for a significant amount of time. I think just restarting my PC fixed it but I don't remember
hardester•12mo ago
Sounds like frustum culling works as intended. This is Sodium's behavior by the way. Helps improve performance by a lot, so maybe something you don't want to disable. Also, you're playing with Distant Horizons, which means extra load on your GPU overall compared to just without it.
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz•12mo ago
I have the same issue where my computer has periodic lag spikes and I'm pretty sure that every time the spike happens the GPU hits 100 percent and it only happens with shaders, the weirdest thing is the lag has nothing to do with what is rendering, I get well over 60 fps and then the spike drives it down to 10 with input lag and other issues at the same time
SweddeOP•12mo ago
So i just tried lowering my render distance from 64 to 32 and no lag ofc, testing my way up again I got to just under 60 wwith no lag, and meanwhile I wait for the chunks to load I run around a bit, thats when i realized I started lagging specially much next to my little campsite with a campfire a bed and a few chests, is it possible that ex. the campfire contributes my game to lag this much? I will solve this problem by just finding what render distance I can use wwithout lag and sticking to it, still wway better than without the mod
Slooshie•12mo ago
actual chunks or DH chunks? because even 32 is a LOT especially paired with DH
SweddeOP•12mo ago
I think the modpack has another mod that allows me to get up to 90 in the normal minecraft settings, which is the one I am changing.
Slooshie•12mo ago
yeah that will cause huge lag spikes when turning your camera I would not go over 32 and just let DH handle the rest
SweddeOP•12mo ago
but on 32 I cant see the mountains on the other side of the water
SweddeOP•12mo ago
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Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz•12mo ago
wait for the chunks to load in DH will often times render from the outside in for some reason
SweddeOP•12mo ago
but there is this end of map fog or what its called as you can see in the picture
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SweddeOP•12mo ago
I dont think that they will render, as the fog of war or whatever is what the render distance will change
Slooshie•12mo ago
what version of bliss are you using? that border fog shouldn't be there if DH rendering is on
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz•12mo ago
maybe you just don't have the render distance on DH long enough
SweddeOP•12mo ago
okay so I must admit im stupid, but i fixed it.
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz•12mo ago
good to know that you did, means that anyone else with the issue will have something to try as a fix!
SweddeOP•12mo ago
I went for the wrong render distance, ofc my computer is gonna fry if i put minecrafts render distance to infinity, Initially I lowered DH distance, and it stayed low, so when I wwent back to fix the render distance I only used minecrafts own render distance back when I had all those other problems wwith the cpu and ram I lowered DH distance, and forgot about it
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz•12mo ago
yeah, with DH you only need 8 chunks of render distance and the rest can be done with DH
SweddeOP•12mo ago
wwell problem solved and lesson learned, minecrafts render distance does not have to be high, DH will fix the rest for you, trust the mod, not the game thanks for the help 🙂
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz•12mo ago
You got it :)

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