my friend needs help downloading iris and 1.21 is gone??

i downloaded iris a couple days ago and im running a server with resource packs and shaders that are on 1.21 and today i was helping my friend and its gone and only 1.21.1 is there for downloading is 1.21 gonna be added back?i really need to redownload it. also i tried sending the download file for the iris 1.21 version so my friend could drag it into the versions folder in .minecraft and for some reason it doesnt show up in the launcher? shouldnt downloading the same version file and dragging it into versions make it show up in the versions tab in the minecraft launcher? im really confused
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8 Replies
Michael7mo ago
#iris-releases not even reason why 1.21 is removed lol
Michael7mo ago
No description
Michael7mo ago
may be becaouse of the exploit lol
hardester7mo ago
Iris 1.7.3 for Minecraft 1.21 - Iris Shaders
Download Iris Shaders 1.7.3+1.21 on Modrinth. Supports 1.21–1.21.1 Fabric & Quilt. Published on Jul 1, 2024. 1025923 downloads.
isaaccOP7mo ago
but when i download that it downloads iris for mods and like fabric or something but i only want iris not the mods
hardester7mo ago
:ioa: Iris is a mod. The one you download from the website is a convenient installer that installs the mod for you.
Slooshie7mo ago
1.21.1 clients can connect to 1.21 servers. Why do you need 1.21?
hardester7mo ago
Mods. :ioa: They version locked to 1.21 exclusively. Well it's Mojang's fault for making subversions to have a chance of containing breaking changes (like 1.20.2 going to 1.20.3 where grass blocks getting a rename), mods have to force a specific version, even if an update only changes 13 lines of code. One thing Bedrock Edition prevail over Java Edition is the use of a 4th version qualifier for non game breaking updates.

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