Iris not using mods in my mods folder
hello! im having a slight issue, my mods load from my mods folder in my minecraft directory when i boot the fabric loader in the MC launcher, but when i boot the IRIS launcher those same mods dont load? its probably very obvious but is there something im doing wrong?
Thanks for the help!

7 Replies
here are the mods im trying to use and here is the directory incase thats needed, thanks again! (im also not using distant horizons)
could you send the latest.log
Well you see, the problem is you’re launching the Iris profile
If you want to use fabric mods you have to launch fabric
If you want Iris to be included in those mods you put it in the mods folder
technically you could also drag all your other mods to the iris-reserved folder so that they get loaded when you launch the Iris profile but why would you do that tbh
@North rerun the installer, choose Iris + Fabric when installing.

Will try this soon thanks for all your guys help! Will let you know if this works!
Thanks! this worked perfectly! have a good day!