DH chunks disappearing when looking in a cardinal direction
This seems to happen randomly and I can't figure out what causes it. Pointing your camera close to parallel along either the X or Z axis causes DH LOD chunks in that direction to not render. I haven't seen any similar reports in this channel so I'm posting this here. I have the correct versions of each mod. It seems to be an issue with bliss shaders as turning shaders off solves the problem. Its the version that came with the iris snapshot I downloaded from here.
Gyazo Screen Video
5 Replies
update: it seems this happens only at vanilla render distances below 8 chunks for whatever reason
DH needs 8 Chunks to work properly
was unaware, thanks for the heads up
Interesting behavior to see. Will give this one a try without shaders.
Works fine for me at 2 chunks
But I probably have an older version of bliss