Gpu not being utilized properly
my game is running around 40 fps it is usually over 100fps which is the shaderpack i have loaded this issue was happening on old drivers and when i updated them today still no fix

12 Replies
sorry for the bad english friends
i have an Rx 580 gpu not overclocked
i can send a screenshot of my mods list

Could just be a CPU bottleneck
set render distance to 2 or somethin and see if the usage goes up
It is not a cpu bottle neck it is capable of delivering around 500 fps without shaders at 8 chunks
And as you can see there the usage is at 29%
I'm not sure if it might one of the mods so I'll toggle every mod that makes a request to open gl / rendering mods to see if one of them are causing this issue
Alright im out of ideas
im legit confused
i am going to run a Gpu benchmark and i hope to god that there is nothing wrong with my gpu
You are cpu bond
You have a i7 2600 you going to be cpu bond before the gpu
also 29% cpu usage doesn't mean not CPU bound, because this is one of those situations where it's generally a single thread
the CPU is not some giant blob that you can just turn a dial and use more or less of. If something is single threaded then it doesn't matter how many cores you have, it's never going to go faster
With 8 ht threads, you could theoretically be CPU bound with ~10% CPU usage reported.
Well shaders aren't only GPU intensive
like shadowmapping for example is pretty cpu heavy
as well as certain other things
try setting the game to like render distance 2 tho and see if ur utilization goes up
They are heavy video memory. You got 1.5 gbs not that big
Okay lilly I will try that
Yes i was right there was no bottleneck to begin with it was just a mod messing with my game limiting my gpus usage
i am getting 2x fps using shaders
thanks for the help everyone
Just wondering, is there a mod that makes cpu use all cores in Minecraft?
some things are multi-threaded, some are single-threaded. It's not an all or nothing. There's a couple of mods that address certain game areas (like C2ME for chunk loading) to try to make it slightly more parallelized, but it's again not an all or nothing thing.
Okay brother