Error 1 when opening the game [Solved]

Hello ! I saw there was an update to Iris so I installed it. The game told me sodium did not work with this version of Indium, so I downloaded the latest sodium version. I then saw on here that removing .minecraft/config/fabric_loader_dependencies.json can help, but there is no such file in my files. I am not sure what to do as I now get Error 1. I tried downloading java again, restarting my computer and looking for a solution in the other tickets but I am not sure what to do. Some people say to use an earlier version of iris, sodium and indium, but I don't understand why this new version of Iris can;t work ? Thank you !
7 Replies
Slooshie2y ago
what version of iris, sodium, and indium do you have, and do you have any other mods loaded? also what version of fabric api?
AinselOP2y ago
those are my mods and versions
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AinselOP2y ago
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Slooshie2y ago
I don't know if continuity works on 1.20.2 yet
AinselOP2y ago
I see ! I ll remove it for now or try to find a newer version for my mods then
Slooshie2y ago
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AinselOP2y ago
Removing Conitnuity and downloading a newer version of architectury worked, thank you !

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