Iris Shader Mod Causing Game Crashes on Linux (Fedora 40)

Hello everyone, I'm experiencing game crashes specifically related to the Iris shader mod on my Linux system. Here are the key details and relevant information from the logs: System Information OS: Linux (Fedora 40, kernel 6.10.3-200.fc40.x86_64) GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT (OpenGL 4.6 Core Profile, Mesa 24.1.5) Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 Fabric Loader: 0.15.11 Mod Information Using 13 mods, including Fabric API, Iris 1.7.2, Sodium, and SkyBlocker Shader pack: Relevant Log Entries OpenGL 4.5 detected, enabling DSA[19:36:38] Several warnings about ignoring ambiguous boolean options (e.g., FORCE_DISABLE_WEATHER, WORLD_LIGHT)[19:36:38] Shader warning: "rendertype_entity_translucent_emissive could not find sampler named Sampler2 in the specified shader program"[19:36:40] Additional Context The issue occurs on Hypixel SkyBlock, which uses custom content The same mod setup works fine on Windows Questions Could the shader warning be related to the crashes? Are there known compatibility issues between Iris and the AMD GPU drivers on Linux? Any assistance or guidance would be greatly appreciated. I know linux issues get pushed to the side since the smaller user base but it just sucks because shaders are so beautiful. the mod had none of the these issues about a month ago and now they do.
10 Replies
hardester•7mo ago
Can you send a game log or crash logs?
LilyBot•7mo ago
How to get crash reports:
Crash reports can be found in the crash-reports sub-directory in .minecraft on clients, or the crash-reports sub-directory of the server directory for servers. We're probably interested in the most recent file, which you can drag and drop into Discord.
Tag requested by hardester
LilyBot•7mo ago
How to get a log file:
Game logs can be found in the logs sub-directory in .minecraft on clients, or the logs sub-folder of the server directory for servers. We're probably interested in the file named latest.log, which you can drag and drop into Discord.
Tag requested by hardester
TimelyOP•7mo ago
Yes, I am so sorry for the wait. I was trying to replicate it and it doesn't seem to be crashing. the logs I can't seem to find in the crashreports folder but I remeber copying the logs yesterday so Ill give you that. if my game crashes again ill give more logs, hoenstly idk sometimes things don't work then the next day they work perfectly fine. I hope I haven't wasted ony of your time 😄 Edit: this has been happen for the past few days so I assumed it was a issue mabye it's fixed? Idk like I said ill update you.
TimelyOP•7mo ago
@hardester My game actually just crashed. This is wierdily a good thing as now we got new logs. I have named them NewLogs.txt
hardester•7mo ago
The logs appeared to be cut off. Do you get any files in the Minecraft root folder with the name hs_err_pid<numbers>? Before sending these files, you must use so that it filters out your credentials. - Paste, share & analyse your Minecraft logs
Easily paste your Minecraft logs to share and analyse them.
TimelyOP•7mo ago
My bad, I just had a recent crash and got the latest log ran it through the site you mentioned here are the logs
TimelyOP•7mo ago
I am not sure why but it seems to be cut off. What I am gonna do is try using iris in a later version to test if it's a version spesfic issue. I currently am using 1.20.1
TimelyOP•7mo ago
Usually I use my whole custom mods but I decided to try a mod-pack called fabulously optimized. just a mod-pack that has mod to optimize and make the game pretty including shader with iris. This modpack is on version 1.21.1 and I still got a crash here's the log file of it. Wasn't sure if you only wannted the errors or the entire thing so I just put the entire thing. and I put it into that site you mentioned then copied what it gave back.
TimelyOP•7mo ago
I did check and no there was no file named hs_err_pid. I don't have a root minecraft folder because I use the modrith launcher which makes it's own profiles IE instances of minecraft. I checked through the instance I used alot where it crashed. No such file as you mention can be found. I even tested this on Quilt 1.21.1, and Fabric 1.21.1 and no matter what I still get crashes. For now anyways I've decided to use optfine for now. I love iris I really wanna use it, it's new, it's on fabric and I hate using forge but my hands are tied here. I do respect all the work and time you've spent here trying to help me. Look the logs I sent above is about all I can give there are a ton of errors in them im sure something there is the reason why. Like the first error, it says something about the Org_eclipse mod using a different version than the fabric loader. I have no idea how to fix this as modrith launcher handles that. Mabye Ill try the prism launcher as it allows you to change/see the version of the mod loader. The answer is in those logs I know it, if you don't wanna look them then that's fine but at least be honest about it. I do apperaite it though, the time you've entertained this. For now sadly I'll be using old crusty optfine.

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