modded blockstates in shaders

I was told that blockstates on things like tall grass are shader engine specific ref: I inspected my and the blockstaes ingame, all the ones that I added follow the half upper lower convention ex /setblock ~ ~ ~ biomesoplenty:tall_white_lavender[half=upper] my other attempts are documented on the github link. I am not sure if this is a bug, or human error or lack of knowledge
GitHub seem not to support tall modded flowers · Issue #1...
Greetings, I am on unbound r5.3 and attempt to add "tall grass like blocks" to the from various mods, like BiomesOPlenty, Oh the biomes we have gone, Regions Unexplored, ...
9 Replies
That Guy
That Guy4mo ago
What exactly is your question sorry?
Sleepy Tea
Sleepy TeaOP4mo ago
My question is how to handle, add modded blocks with block states like tall grass, where you have an upper and lower part. Since the mods I use have a lot of plants, the tall variants remain inanimate, and I havent found a way to let iris recognize them.
That Guy
That Guy4mo ago
Sorry I do not have the modding knowledge to help you out. Try pinging a moderator (don't ping all of them)
IMS4mo ago
just add an extra : so minecraft:tall_grass:upper=true (Or something like that)
Sleepy Tea
Sleepy TeaOP4mo ago
Apologies, I will reformulate my question and summarize all the things I tried, which I did briefly document in the linked github issue, in Complimentary shader's repository.
Sleepy Tea
Sleepy TeaOP4mo ago
I finally got to it: Hello again, I am trying to add modded foliage (like tall grass, sunflowers, rosebushes) on Iris 1.6.10 (Minecraft version 1.20.1, fabric 0.16.9) using complementary shaders (r5.3 unbound) If I take a look at the default that come with the shaderpack:
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Sleepy Tea
Sleepy TeaOP4mo ago
It seems that all flowers, saplings and other wavy foliage blocks are mapped to: block.10005, with a version specification for above 1.13 and below All leaves are mapped to block.10009 Foliage that is made up of 2 blocks seem to be seperated into upper and lower The lower blocks will be defined here: block.10005=rose_bush:half=lower (on both versions 1.13 and above OR below, there are no duplicates between those blocks) The upper blocks will be defined here: block.10021=rose_bush:half=upper By intiuition with prior modding experiences, most modded blocks are usually refered with a modID prefix, for example: create:glue biomesoplenty:magic_sapling adding blocks like biomesoplenty:magic_sapling to block.10005 (1.13+), is no issue and works as intended with that assumption and comparing it to the provided default config it would look something like this biomesoplenty:high_grass_plant:half=upper How do I verify if there is this item and if it has that blockstate? First I can look at language files of mods and see what the items are mapped to, secondly inspecting blockstates ingame with F3+i, and looking at NBT data or even just using the minecraft command autocompletion + nbt specification after verifying the blocks existance and that it comes with pairs: I attempted to add the lower part to block.10005 and the upper part to block.10021, didnt work
#if MC_VERSION >= 11300
#if MC_VERSION >= 11300
I tired to use the below and above 1.13 10005 block, indvidually and both at the same time, didnt work
#if MC_VERSION >= 11300
#if MC_VERSION >= 11300
#if MC_VERSION >= 11300
#if MC_VERSION >= 11300
I also tried to switch the blockstates just to see if thats the issue, even if its not intutitive
#if MC_VERSION >= 11300
#if MC_VERSION >= 11300
all of it didnt work. Did anything change at all? No, usually when I add a modded block with the modid prefix, the block looks different, its in light( there is a visual difference, and the wavy material animation comes after) Whats responsible for this?
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Sleepy Tea
Sleepy TeaOP4mo ago
the mapping seems to be correct, the only thing I suspect is the markdown Two colons feel wrong, I might be mistaken but thats my only clue modid:blockid:blockstate=value I based on my observations, either I am using the wrong syntax, or iris doesnt modded blocks with blockstates properly Here is an example of what I meant with "in light", visually seeing which blocks are affected by the shader
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Sleepy Tea
Sleepy TeaOP4mo ago
Just to mention again, why do I think its not a usererror and why it might be an iris issue, because someone from the complementary shader repo told me its rather Iris than the shaderpack itself, or so I remember, its my only tibid of information ref:

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