when a world is finished loading, my minecraft turns into a white screen and crashes very soon after

how to fix?
6 Replies
this only happens when im using distant horizons AND bliss shaders. when just using distant horizons, the game runs fine.
Arphex11mo ago
PC specs, mod list, resource pack list, configs, etc...
do you want me to tell you these things or are these just reasons? ill brb
Arphex11mo ago
Only to see if someone can finds something wrong. A white screen is the same as "My PC not shows any picture", it can be too much things So we need info to starting for discard things.
pc specs: RTX 3060 AMD Ryzen 5 5600H with Radeon Graphics 16.0 GB RAM mod list: Starlight EntityCulling Indium Lithium ModernFix ReplayMod CICADA DistantHorizons Do a Barrel Roll Essential Image2Map MaLiLib Iris Shaders Sodium WorldEdit resource packs: Fresh Animations Fast Better Grass EBE
hardester11mo ago
Man, that's a lot of people using Essential. Anyways, many people reported crashing while having Do a Barrel Roll installed. Try removing it and check again.

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