Iris not working on IPhone

I installed Iris with PojavLauncher, but with iris installed no blocks are rendering. And shaders don’t work either.
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18 Replies
TheNukeLore2y ago
Iris(and the mod iris depends on called sodium) doesn’t support pojav
CristelknightOP2y ago
😢 In the past you could use iris without sodium, does that still work somehow?
TheNukeLore2y ago
You never could, Iris used to bundle sodium directly It is not possible to run iris without sodium
CristelknightOP2y ago
i did that in 1.16 Or 1.17?
TheNukeLore2y ago
Iris used to bundle sodium within it Now it just depends on it externally
CristelknightOP2y ago
I know. But in the past you could just use iris without sodium, there were some warnings on the screen/debug screen. Maybe I have a screenshot somewhere
TheNukeLore2y ago
It never let you. And even so you most definitely can not run without sodium as of modern versions Iris has a warning screen that will warn you if you don’t have sodium and it forces you to close the game
CristelknightOP2y ago
I know. In Never versions. And I think it only worked with dev versions back then. But no need to discuss it. I‘ll just test it. If it works: funny, if not then not Ok Optifine works. Funny. But how much does it even increase your fps. Shaders do not work of course:(
TheNukeLore2y ago
Right, ya iris does work without sodium but only in dev envs, even still it has massive warnings all over the screen.
CristelknightOP2y ago
As I said. But yes only dev versions. But I think you could compile it and use it in normal launchers. But who cares. Shaders won’t work anyway
TheNukeLore2y ago
Granted it only works In a dev env in cases to update iris to newer sodium versions, and even still iris without sodium is extremely unstable and can result in often crashes
CristelknightOP2y ago
It was so laggy back then. I did it only, because there was no sodium version yet. Probably 1.17 And when I get thousands of OpenGL errors in OF with shader it also won’t work with iris in 1.16.5? Wait. If I would install PojavLauncher on a m1/2 iPad, could then shader work? I mean they do work on m1/2 Mac books. Or does PojavLauncher even work there?
TheNukeLore2y ago
Basically no mobile device is able to run sodium on 1.17+. They all lack necessary opengl features for sodium to run
CristelknightOP2y ago
So it would work on 1.16? I‘ll just test it
TheNukeLore2y ago
Maybe granted iris for its outdated so shaders might have issues
CristelknightOP2y ago
Iris 1.16.5 won’t even start. Instant OpenGL error. Ok. I give up. No shaders on mobile
Try going into performance settings for sodium and disabling a bunch of the stuff but tbh you'd have better luck getting Vulkanmod to work Lies You can, no one is stopping you I mean it does try to stop you, but if you rename another mod to look like sodium, it will work
Mithos2y ago
Except that the vanilla codepaths are kind of abandoned and might catch fire.

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