Block transperancy
Hi, Im updating our texture pack after 8 year's absence.. back when we created the enchant table texture it had transparency and it worked.. now though it renders the transparent area solid. also with the edges of the book on it and another texture we have for eye, of ender when placed in end portal. how can i fix this? Thanks.. VonDoomCraft is ReBorN!

5 Replies
someone said i need optifine but optifine just crashed for me. so i use iris+sodium.. is there an addon or something i can do?
sorry I have no idea but the pack looks fire
Wow that style of textures is a real blast from the past for sure
I'm not certain about this specific problem, but modern texture features are done with Indium and a number of other mods that replace OptiFine's texture features
Nice! VonDoomCraft! Hope you get the transparency stuff fixed.
One suggestion is to check the vanilla files. Some images work with 32-bit color (i.e. including alpha channel) and others (I'm looking at you, stone hoe) still use the old transparency with no alpha.
thanks for the help, ill try indium, but i am just going to create a model, at least then the legs will be like solid table legs. before they only displayed the two sides of texture.
If you guys are interested in VonDoomCraft, I have a dedicated forum on Planet minecraft. and can be found to download only on Curseforge.. my patreon is just VonDoomCraft. Java Version will always be free however.