Y'all know what this is? %s?

when i load in (joining friend on multiplayer) i am either falling indefenitely from the sky with no items in my inventory (or until i get this message at least) or stuck inside of stone blocks but not dying, once again no inventory. my friend however reports i am alive and well, and he can see me holding my axe in my hand. then suddenly I get the message and it disconnects.
4 Replies
LilyBot2y ago
2023-05-30-1.log.gz uploaded to mclo.gs
Log Uploading is deprecated in LilyBot. It has been implemented in Allium instead. It will be removed in 4.9.0
Uploaded by Kevlar#1703
Mithos2y ago
My suspicion is that this has nothing to do with iris and sodium at all, in which case the only thing you could try is this:
LilyBot2y ago
The Thanos Method What is The Thanos Method? - The Thanos Method (more accurately known as a binary split) is a debugging technique used to find the mod or mods that are causing the issues you are experiencing. How does it work? - The Thanos Method is simple. To find the conflicting mods, split your mods folder into 2 groups. Remove one group, and test in-game. Keep the group that has the problem, and repeat until no more mods can be removed without the issue disappearing. Thanks to The Thanos Method, you can now enjoy an issue free modded Minecraft! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/731716903742996531/873271100602220584/2951.1490520804.gif
Mithos2y ago
if your issue still happens with just iris and sodium I'd like to see that log again, otherwise try the approach described above

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