my game keeps crashing with shaders, please help

i started in the offical minecraft server then moved to the fabric project server, and now i am here, please help, my game keeps crashing when i am using shaders, i dont want to not use shaders, i love shaders, it's been a big dream of mine to play with shaders, but my game wont stop crashing, i was using ultra fast makeup shaders, ran at 15 to 20 fps but still crashed, then i moved to chocapic low, still crashes with a 15 to 20 fps please help here is the log
47 Replies
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
You can try if installing the indium mod fixes the problem
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
if not?
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
Otherwise remove your mods one by one until you find the one causing the issues
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
ok how do we know if its not a mod problem and has somthing to do with the pc’s driver
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
I think usually driver problems mainly cause degraded performance and not game crashes, but ofc you can also try updating your graphics driver Also, are you sure you uploaded the right log? Cause there is no crash In that log you posted
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
i get rid of every mod i have (except the mods that gets the shaders to work) still crashes really? okay wait can we talk in messages (not here) i am not sure the discord server will allow me to send a whole other log here
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
I don't think upload limits are different in servers and direct messages, but if the file is too big to upload here you can use - Paste, share & analyse your Minecraft logs
Easily paste your Minecraft logs to share and analyse them.
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
Uhh That log just cuts off after the mod list
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
it does? i am too stupid with this what log do i need?
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
It should be logs/latest.log But that looks like a correct log, just that it's somehow cut off
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
latest.log is the one i pasted here
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
Ok... So what exactly happens when you launch the game? Does it not even start, or does it work until you enable a shader?
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
until i enable the shader or if the shader is on during world generation, it would just crash when loading is done
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
Ok, so once you join a world with a shader on the game just closes?
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
yep with exit code 1
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
Have you tried updating your graphics driver yet?
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
no i have tried updating my display drivers but no it would just say you have the latest driver
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
i did not see an option for grapics driver (or i wasn't paying attention)
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
I'm pretty sure display driver just means graphics driver
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
Other question: did a crash report generate
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
wdym a folder called crash report? if so, not there
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
In the crash-reports folder in the .minecraft folder
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
yea no such thing
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
That makes no sense
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
No description
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
Ok, and for the log you posted, did you make sure you uploaded the entire log and not just a part of it? Because it really makes no sense to me that the log just cuts off randomly
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
yea let me try again
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
That is very confusing
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
Idk, there's something wrong going on with the log I'm very sorry, but I think I have to give up here
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
Maybe someone more experienced than me on this discord will be able to help you
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
umm what if no one comes?
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
Uhh There will be someone Hopefully
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
should i try messaging the mods for help?
Player 005
Player 00517mo ago
Better not
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
Mithos17mo ago
there's 2 other kinds of logs that can be generated on crash. First, check the crash-reports folder if something was generated and send it if so. if not, look for a hs_err_whatever file being generated somewhere in your minecraft directory, but DO NOT send it. If this file is there it means there was an error in your graphics driver and you should try if updating the driver fixes it.
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
there is about 8 hs_err_whatever in where they are stored, i can’t update my graphics driver cus according to my pc, i have the best drivers for my pc already installed.
Mithos17mo ago
oh, that's an old amd gpu which only has broken drivers on windows. You'd probably have no crashes on linux, but I estimate you'd get less than 30fps regardless.
CanadianKid7001OP17mo ago
Mithos17mo ago
another operating system, but I wouldn't recommend trying it if you've never heard of it

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