Unable to upload Iris 1.6.1 for 1.19.2 on my CF Modpack

Hi, creator of AQM2 here. I previously updated to iris 1.6.1 (downloaded from modrinth) and placed it into my modpack update 2 weeks ago, and got it up on Curseforge with no issues. However, today, I am attempting to release a new modpack update with Iris 1.6.1 still in my overrides. Curseforge however is now blocking it from being uploaded. I asked CF discord team about this and they are saying its because the file was once apart of CF, and now it's not. when a version/file has been removed from curseforge, it will not be allowed to be uploaded. this is also weird because i swear when i first added 1.6.1 it was only on modrinth, and not CF.
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56 Replies
diNkdOP2y ago
Is there any way i can ask since 1.6.1 for 1.19.4 is on CF, for 1.6.1 for 1.19.2 to be added? otherwise i cannot / other pack devs cannot use iris basically in a curseforge modpack upload.
The gay that has a blurry face
Iris will not be updated on Curseforge
diNkdOP2y ago
Updated right but seeing how 1.6.1 is on 1.19.4 on CF, why can't 1.6.1 for 1.19.2? There is no 1.19.2 on the curseforge page... for any version.
diNkdOP2y ago
No 1.19.2 anything.
No description
The gay that has a blurry face
It will not be on curseforge afaik
diNkdOP2y ago
So iris team doesnt support modpack devs then I guess?
The gay that has a blurry face
they dont support curseforge
diNkdOP2y ago
Because without it = no modpacks having it
The gay that has a blurry face
modrinth has modpacks
diNkdOP2y ago
Lmfao no one uses modrinth modpacks The wide use is cf. We all know this So limiting iris to only have a 1.18.2 version. And 1.19.4 on cf means the largest played version that iris supports cannot be in a modpack
The gay that has a blurry face
yeah no one uses modrinth modpacks
No description
The gay that has a blurry face
177.3k downloads made by bots obviously
diNkdOP2y ago
Okay now add up all the 1.19.2 downloads on 1.19.2 modpacks I have 500k on mine alone What is your point
The gay that has a blurry face
the point is people use modrinth packs 177k is non-0
diNkdOP2y ago
So support the 5% minority Gor it Got*
The gay that has a blurry face
blame overwolf :ioa:
diNkdOP2y ago
Are you a iris dev
The gay that has a blurry face
no but i follow the announcements since i joined, i would know more info about it than you
diNkdOP2y ago
Or are you speaking for the team? Oh speaking for the team got it Let's see what they say I do not have to blame overwolf. We all have issues with CF. But to just shit on every single modpack that is on 1.19.2 and on curseforge is a big FU to the pack community. Then why is it on modrinth
Lily2y ago
because the versions were already uploaded there
diNkdOP2y ago
And why did 1.19.2 have releases since 1.19.2 come out? Serious question That doesn't make sense though. You dropped support okay I get it. But why not just do a favor to the modpack community who can't just uplift their entire audience? It's a 4 minute process to upload the file that's already out on modrinth, ont lo cf
The gay that has a blurry face
is it not supported/avaliable in curseforge and will not be?
diNkdOP2y ago
No one is asking for editing or any changes. The version is already public.
The gay that has a blurry face
afaik you can add overrides
diNkdOP2y ago
I tried See image above
Lily2y ago
curseforge won't allow it
IMS2y ago
Hi, I am
diNkdOP2y ago
IMS2y ago
Modrinth is what we support for modpacks, yes
diNkdOP2y ago
Oops wrong reply
IMS2y ago
however, CF was supposed to have 1.19.2 what happened was CF messed up the filing, and decided 1.19.2 was more important than 1.19.4 and 1.19.4 disappears when I add 1.19.2 so we just can't have it
Lily2y ago
funny cf moment
diNkdOP2y ago
May I present a case that 1.19.2 is more important than 1.19.4? even though that is a shit situation in the first place and im not shocked that CF is messing that up? There are more players and modpacks on 1.19.2 CF than 1.19.4.
IMS2y ago
It is in an archived state, so if there is some way to add via version ID I can give it no, you cannot
diNkdOP2y ago
we can tell by the project count on the modpack page when filtering via versions
IMS2y ago
Iris will be dropping 1.18.2 and 1.19.2 in 1.7
diNkdOP2y ago
Makes sense. but what about 1.19.2 on what you have already updated? SOL?
IMS2y ago
sadly, yes however Iris 1.6.2 will be released soon
diNkdOP2y ago
like literally we cannot add any iris version for 1.19.2 on cf.
IMS2y ago
for 1.18.2, 1.19.2, and 1.19.4
The gay that has a blurry face
will it be on cf?
IMS2y ago
once that's released, since it's not on CF, you can add it as an external mod
diNkdOP2y ago
it wont have to be that works
The gay that has a blurry face
okay then just wait until 1.6.2
diNkdOP2y ago
so basically i unfortunately have to tell my players to download from modrinth right until then?
IMS2y ago
iris for all versions should be able to be added as an external mod, however even CF doesn't know why it's being rejected yes or tell them to manually download Iris
diNkdOP2y ago
yeah thats what i meant, manually downloading from modrinth. trust me i get why you moved to modrinth. lol. i deal with CF issues almost every time i update. Can I ask you on a ETA For 1.6.2?
IMS2y ago
should be this week
diNkdOP2y ago
okay tyvm
IMS2y ago
along with a new Sodium for 1.19.4 (1.18.2 and 1.19.2 can use the old one still)
diNkdOP2y ago
oh good. i was scared for a second there. are you cool with me putting the direct modrinth link to iris download in my CF changelog?
The gay that has a blurry face
it's just linking to the official mod page, not providing an alternative download, it should be fine
The gay that has a blurry face
i dont think you're supposed to do that but im not the one to say just link to the version page, it's one extra button they need to download (and it wont block revenue coming from these downloads)
diNkdOP2y ago
alright that works

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