1.20.1 Setup Help

I am trying to make an instance of Minecraft, running version 1.20.1 as it's the last to have a Create and Farmer's Delight port to Fabric. I'm having a LOT of problems downgrading my core mods though. Create doesn't like Sodium 0.5.x so I have to use 0.4.10, but the current version of Iris is not compatible. It's not listed on Modrinth when Iris was updated for Sodium 0.5.0. Which version of Iris do I need to run this install?
3 Replies
Slooshie14mo ago
Create Sodium Fix v0.5.1.d - Create Fabric Sodium Fix
Download Create Fabric Sodium Fix 0.5.1-d-build.5+mc1.20.1 on Modrinth. Supports 1.20.1 Fabric & Quilt. Published on Oct 1, 2023. 123364 downloads.
DCellOP14mo ago
Sweet, thanks. Sorts out all the compatibility strangeness
Slooshie14mo ago
however if you ever need to go back to sodium 0.4.10, the latest iris version for that version of sodium is 1.6.4

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