Shaders give super low fps on macs

I have a MacBook Air (M1, 2020) Apple M1 chip 8GB of memory Built-in Retina Display 13.3-inch (2560 × 1600) and when I use makeup ultra fast or chopapaic13 toaster shaders, I only get 20-30 fps when I get 150-160 normally. Is there a way to fix this?
5 Replies
Grilled Pepper Sandwich
anyone know why I installed retino mod and get around 80 fps, but I get WAY more lag spikes to the point that its literally unplayable it drops to 1 fps even @Slooshie
hardester2w ago
Only guy that can answer you is IMS. Nobody here except him have an M1 Mac... :harold: And he's asleep right now.
Grilled Pepper Sandwich
@IMS ok
Ultravine2w ago
M1 integrated graphics just aren’t very good and shaders are very demanding even with all performance mods, the fps you are getting is about right