Game using too much CPU and getting very low performance with shaders. [Solved] kinda

Im getting around 13-20 fps with DH and Bliss and with DH off around 14-22. Negligible difference when lowering resolution. Is this normal for my specs?
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22 Replies
hardester•4mo ago
:linus: You are CPU limited it seems, although Distant Horizons by itself is extremely CPU heavy, especially if you cranked up the CPU load setting.
eruka•4mo ago
damn cpu bottleneck?
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eruka•4mo ago
Although i'm running almost the same fps as If I had turned Distant Horizon off. I think its the shaders eating up my CPU not DH.
hardester•4mo ago
With Minecraft, it's hard to predict which hardware becomes the bottleneck. Shaders puts the load on the GPU, and Distant Horizons puts the load on CPU.
eruka•4mo ago
Even with No shaders or DH my CPU is running almost full utilization for some reason🤔
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eruka•4mo ago
It was not like this before, I was getting around 30% If i remember
eruka•4mo ago
Comparison between old and new Iris versions with same specs (No DH)
Older Iris and Sodium versions from before
eruka•4mo ago
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hardester•4mo ago
Distant Horizons put too much pressure on your CPU it seems.
Smörgåsen•4mo ago
Totally agree
eruka•4mo ago
Bro I Literally disabled Distant Horizons tho?? its off its almost the same performance with Distant Horizon on or off.
Smörgåsen•4mo ago
Did you just hide them or fully uninstall DH?
Meeni•4mo ago
your display resolution is different, shaders are -very- sensitive to display resolution
eruka•4mo ago
i disabled it in the settings bro like i said there was no difference when lowering resolution i put it to the lowest possible resolution with almost no difference in performance I think its a compatibility issue with Iris using way too much of my CPU for some reason
eruka•4mo ago
these are the mods i have installed
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eruka•4mo ago
i might try removing some of them Im getting about 50-60fps with the latest public release of iris everything else the same
m4n•4mo ago
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m4n•4mo ago
distant horizons is still running in this screenshot set distant horizons to low or minimal impact and set minecraft to around 10 chunk render distance
Piotr Barcz YT
Piotr Barcz YT•4mo ago
8 chunks minimum
eruka•4mo ago
u right distant horizon was still running is it the world gen tasks using up my cpu? im getting around 30-40fps ig thats acceptable with distant horizons running
hardester•4mo ago
There's a bug in Distant Horizons where the terrain generator continues to run even after all tasks has been completed. This bug also inflates the save file exponentially.
eruka•4mo ago
yea that makes sense