installer doesn't work

so i downloaded the universal jar from here and it downloads as a .zip file for me for some reason, when I try to open it it just prompts me to use my unzipping tool to extract it and when i do it just breaks, i get shown the inner files and whatnot of the installer but no way to actually run the installer itself. any help would be appreciated thx
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5 Replies
hardester12mo ago
/jarfix Okay I can't use that command yet. Anyways, look up the tool "jarfix" and run it.
TimothyOP12mo ago
No description
hardester12mo ago
:ioa: Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Look up Eclipse Temurin, GraalVM, Oracle JRE, or even Microsoft's JRE.
TimothyOP12mo ago
it worked, thx
hardester12mo ago

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