Possible bug, most likely something im doing

while testing mods for a survival modpack id like to play with DH now out. I came across a weird visual glitch while testing fps. I am on forge. it doesn't matter what shader I use i still get the bug. the shaders i use being BSL (preferred choice) or complementary reimagined
maybe its a setting I accidentally turned on im not sure. any help is great thank you
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16 Replies
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
Could you descibe the bug please I can't see it very well from the photos of your screen
Cherfrom556OP10mo ago
sorry about that.. at any height, there is a weird disappearing border between the start of DH chunks and the end of my loaded chunks. it doesn't go away leaving it to load the chunks more a bit more. It doesn't matter what render distance, 2-8-32. it looks like a "fog" is there but i have played with both embedium and the base shader setting to remove and or change fog. If i remove all my mods and just leave embedium, oculus and dh + shader. it happens. Thanks!
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
@Cherfrom556 Forge doesn't work very well, use fabric, if you want Oculus support go to the Forgelabs discord
Cherfrom556OP10mo ago
ok thanks. i would use fabric but there is one mod (integrated dungeons and structures) that i dont want to play without. do you have a link for forgelabs? if not thats cool
ActuallyTheOwner10mo ago
Why not use screenshots? Use f2 to get a direct screenshot in game, or Control +Alt + Print Screen Screenshots may differ in quality between in game, or screenshots of the window Oh and most mods are moving to fabric or neoforge
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
google their discord, should come up easily, I've never been there also this won't be something you'll be able to work around unless you find an alternative
ActuallyTheOwner10mo ago
Find the devs for this, you could convince them to use neoforge Would be easier for them than switching to fabric Unless they already did
Cherfrom556OP10mo ago
its fine. i dont really like asking for stuff like this. i just was hoping it was a setting that was known and i was just being stupid. thanks anyway everyone
TheNewSky10mo ago
Does it go away if you increase your vanilla render distance? It looks like something with overdraw
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
yeah, Oculus has bugged out overdraw prevention I think
Cherfrom556OP10mo ago
it doesnt matter what i put my render distance to. i keep it at about 12 chunks. i will try swapping out mods when i get home. is there a way to fix overdraw?
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
Not that I know of with Oculus anyway if you were using fabric everything would probably just work though sometimes things just don't I guess I've never had issues and I have a relatively low end PC
Cherfrom556OP10mo ago
weird. i did find fabric ran better. its just the one mod i dont know i can live without. there is no alternitives
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
yeah Oculus is really buggy
ActuallyTheOwner10mo ago
If integrated dungeons is open source, you could port it or help recreate it The screenshot part I said helps people help you
Cherfrom556OP10mo ago
fair man. sorry im at college rn and not at my pc update i guess. i found my problem for anyone wondering, it was a mod called, better fps - render distance. by someaddon. i was being stupid. thanks for everyones time

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