Stuttering constant on high end pc
basically minecraft stutters constantly and i have a pretty good computer and enough memory
87 Replies
can you send a screenshot of your F3 menu?

two problems: disable vsync (it sucks in Minecraft and lowers fps a lot) and lower your RAM allocation. 12 will cause stutters from the java garbage collector. An alternative option would be changing your garbage collector to Shenandoah or Generational ZGC, which you can do by adding
or -XX:+UseZGC
to your JVM arguments in the launcher (not all java vendors support these; if yours doesn't your game will simply crash and you can undo the change). I also recommend getting the release version of iris 1.7.0 from modrinth as the snapshot version is slightly outdatedDo i just add the text right after all of the text for the ram and stuff?
I don't think it matters at which point the flag gets pasted in
usually it's put near the start but again I don't think it matters
How much ram do you think i should allocate
without changing the GC, probably about 8 GB maximum
I thought it was necessary because of the shaders and dh
also make sure your CPU load setting isn't too high in DH settings. That will cause stuttering while loading chunks
DH does use more RAM than vanilla but 6 GB is usually enough, and going beyond 8 GB yields GC stutters
shaders don't use RAM though, they use VRAM
do i have vram
like my computer has enough
also will this work just putting it at the end?

im guessing no
it crashed...
VRAM is the memory on your graphics card and yes you definitely have enough for shaders
So don’t use Shenandoah and lower your memory allocation
6-8 should be enough
What is shenddoah
And how do i not use it
when i put in what u said it crashe

Your Java vendor doesn’t support it
So don’t use it
It was an alternative solution to lowering your ram allocation
Wait was i supposed to replace something with it?
I just added it'
No, just remove it now
I believe GraalVM, Azul Zulu, Temurin and Microsoft OpenJDK are, to my knowledge, the ones known to offer Shenandoah GC. If yours are none of these (like the built-in JRE that comes with the official launcher), it will not work.
English please
Just don’t think about Shenandoah
my minecrat says openjdk in task manager
I lowered my allocated ram and disabled vsync and it still stutters is there anything else i can do
After checking your F3 menu, it appears you're running Distant Horizons version 2.0.2-a-dev, which has pretty bad micro stutters on prolonged session.
Even on new worlds It stutters
If i update will i have to get all my mods back
It's just the issue with 2.0.2-a-dev unfortunately.
Is there other versions?
are there
2.0.3-a-dev/2.0.4-a-dev fixes it, but it also upgraded the saved lod format.
The saved lods requires upgrading so, that can take some time before you can see your lods back.
Highly recommend going for 2.0.4-a-dev over 2.0.3-a-dev as the latter has serious issue where it can fail upgrading the saved lods, causing corruption to it.
wheres the download for the new version
In the Distant Horizons Discord server.
Server is public. You can use server discovery to find it.
Server discovery?
That’s where the latest nightly download is. Also make sure you use the release version of Iris 1.7.0 for the newest fixes
Inside the zip folder is the mod
Can i just drag it into mods folder and it will replace?
or do i have to delete

Fabric is telling the truth tho...
I don’t know why this happens…
D :
Are you also using the modrinth version of Iris
Or the snapshot version still
where download for new one
Do i just grab newest release
Iris 1.7.0 for Minecraft 1.20.1 - Iris Shaders
Download Iris Shaders 1.7.0+1.20.1 on Modrinth. Supports 1.20.1 Fabric & Quilt. Published on Apr 23, 2024. 40065 downloads.
I’m going for a run so I’ll be gone for like half an hour if you still need me
k i added it im launching
thx for all the help
so does using the modrinth version causes it to crash ? does that also apply to sodium lithuim and the rest ?
It appears that the snapshot version is the one that has issues, as expected since it’s the beta version
The installer installs the snapshot version instead of the full release
@IMS when fix
Also will you update #dh-compatibility-faq with the latest versions
which one do i use ? if im gonna get DH2 i tried before but it never worked for me
from modrinth or the github ?
none of them seem to load the mod
Modrinth. I just explained that the snapshot version has issues
And what’s the issue? Can you make your own post about it please
nothing it just doesn't seem to render anything at the start I thought it might be that i had some incompatibility issue. so i just gave up. but now that i heard that the iris from the beta is broken might make it work. I just drag dh2 to my mod folder can i keep the other version of sodium and lithium in there right no need to replace those, with the one that the loader gives me?
Make sure you have DH 2.0.3 or 2.0.4 and a compatible shaderpack from #dh-shader-testing
As well as sodium, fabric api, and indium
I already have the mods for performace. will and older version of bliss still work or should i just get the new ones that are constantly getting released ?
You need to get the one from GitHub
I have similar issue
Really low fps (50-60) with complementary unbound
with a 4060
so it shouldn't be like that
on servers
How does the F3 menu looking like?
I'll send it tomorrow
It's the gpu that's the concern not the gpu
The what?
without shaders it's like around 200-300 so it's most likely not
but its a 10600K

1440p:harold: With Distant Horizons, that's about as much as you could get...
But with others I have like 100
with previous Iris it was a bit higher
I mean you're clearly gpu bottlenecked here
4060 isnt for 1440p
Well yes I know that but in a lot of games it's capable of somewhat high fps
Try to cap your frames ig so when you get the 1% lows is a higher and more stable frame rate.
The real step one would be to just get real monitoring software
So anyone can see what's actually going on
r u runnign with dh?
theres an option
in dh
there is an option
its called cpu comething
let me check
CPU load is on minimal impact
try balanced maybe?
It just decreases my fps more
u call 60 low fps?
Maybe its not really low, but just low.
I have a pretty bad laptop and im getting 100+ fps with complementary.
i got a random pc and i get around 40+ fps with sildurs shaders without mods
I'm trying to upgrade nowadays
It absolutely is, it's the bare minimum
Yea well I get 15 fps without shaders on 2 render distance on my 2009 MacBook Air so stop complaining 🙄🙄🙄
wow that's crazy
That was satire if it wasn’t obvious