Bliss shaders 'doesnt have DH support'

Today i downloaded Iris Shaders +fabric with distant horizons. Distant horizons worked completely fine but when i used the shaders that came with it a message would pop up saying 'This pack doesnt have DH support' and nothing would happen. I was using the shader pack titled '' so it is obviously made to be compatible with distant horizons yet it wouldnt work. I tried other shaders which i had downloaded such as BSL and Shrimple but neither of them worked.
23 Replies
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz12mo ago
#Bliss check pinned messages, it should be in there
SpabuktOP12mo ago
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz12mo ago
you might've downloaded one from Modrinth or something and those don't work
SpabuktOP12mo ago
i downloaded them from the ones linked in this discord server It turned out that shaders dont work with dh on apple devices and im using a mac If you think shaders will be compatible with apple devices in the future how long do you think it will be until they are?
Slooshie12mo ago
BSL works and Complementary will work when it's released you can get early access if you subscribe to the author's Patreon (or fill out a form if you have a good enough reason to not be able to subscribe) unsure about Photon
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz12mo ago
BSL does
SpabuktOP12mo ago
idk what was going on when i used bsl but thx for the help
I recommend Photon. Looks best imo (changes when complementary comes out). Does tend to lag though if you don’t have much RAM
SpabuktOP12mo ago
yeah i've got quite low ram
SpabuktOP12mo ago
Complementary and BSL run smooth on that Photon for some reason is stuck on like 15 fps max for me Not sure how much I’m supposed to allocate though Running it on 7GB rn
SpabuktOP12mo ago
oh nice but when i ran complementary once it was extremely laggy 7-15 fps
That’s strange Im getting around 20 I believe, at maxed out settings Lemme check Do you have an M1?
SpabuktOP12mo ago
i think so
Okay so with optifine complementary should be running at 25 fps That’s with 2GB allocated Photon with optifine I’m getting 15 fps
SpabuktOP12mo ago
MrChapo12mo ago
why even play with shaders at 25 fps lol I get mad when my fps drops below 60
For me 25 fps and 60 fps feel very similar. The shaders add way more than whatever those 60 fps give me
MrChapo12mo ago
wow good for you then cuz I couldn't play at 25 fps personally
I think you’d get used to it tbh. It’s more difficult for pvp probably but it’s not like movies had a higher frame rate. And those look smooth while watching too, just as Minecraft, if you are playing normally
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz12mo ago
I've played at 20
Slooshie12mo ago
yeah I always forget that movies are usually filmed at 24 fps. Obviously different than a game that has 1% lows and all that but it looks smoother than 24 fps

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