DH First time

Trying DH and iris, currently getting these even after a quit out/reload for the world. I didn't close minecraft as a whole if that's why, but anyone know why this might happen? Only mods are performance
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17 Replies
Slooshie12mo ago
if you're talking about there being chunks in the distance, that's just how DH works
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz12mo ago
they load weirdly
clamOP12mo ago
ah yeah i meant the weird ones off in the distance
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz12mo ago
yeah, those are the DH chunks DH loads from the outside in sometimes
clamOP12mo ago
in that case nbd, in the videos i watched it didnt have those so i figured that was a bug
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz12mo ago
just gotta let them load
clamOP12mo ago
so if i waited all the chunks around me would still load and look normal then got it
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz12mo ago
takes forever sometimes
clamOP12mo ago
appreciate the help
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz12mo ago
you should add Noisium, C2ME and Starlight
clamOP12mo ago
have you found a good range for DH chunk range and normal mc render distance? i already got them actually, did a tiny bit of research
clamOP12mo ago
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Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz12mo ago
8 chunks normal distance, 128 chunks of DH distance is usually more than enough however if you want screenshots, go for 512 and load for hours, and for playability, go for 128 or even better, go for around 64 much higher performance but at the same time render distance is decently long, as long as Optifine's maximum
clamOP12mo ago
ah i was going 12 normal, and i think i swapped from 128 to 256 before the weird loading above happened ill probably do around 64-128, just messing around before dragons dogma comes out later tonight
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz12mo ago
if you raise the chunk render distance for DH it can do that where it'll start loading from the outside of the new range and inward very weird
clamOP12mo ago
that definitely explains the behavior, good to know thanks for all the help!
Yeshi12mo ago
dh lods scale super well. 256 typically doesn't run noticeably worse than 128

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