Mod shadow issues help fix
Hey all I'm using forge to run distant horizon mod and blis/iris shaders and I've been running into this visual issue not only with this shader pack but slidurs as well. What do I need to do to fix it?

24 Replies
Another screen shot for reference

Iris does not support Forge.
Gotcha what should I do to fix this then?
move to Fabric

that's not Forge then :ioa:
No my bad lol I just downloaded forge
Anyway, you're using the wrong version of Iris
download Iris from
This is Iris
A lens into a new era of Minecraft graphics. Download your copy today.
and click "use Distant Horizons beta"

close and open your launcher
there should be a newer Fabric Loader now
Ok I downloaded it with distant horizon beta
does your launcher show a newer Fabric Loader?

still on this hold up
ok cool new fabric loaded popped up

You… still have the 2.0.1 DH. You need the 2.0.2 dev from the discord
He knows about the channel because he already has the beta Iris
I guess he just forgot about the dev DH
I tried reinstalling everything with fabric and I get this message when I load into my aternos server
The game crashed whilst mouseclicked event handler
Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.util.threading.ConfigThreadPool.shutdownExecutorService()" because "com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.util.threading.ThreadPools.fileHandlerThreadPool" is null
We need a full crashlog