colortex buffers not accessible between composite passes
Both fragment shaders are attached. This outputs black to the screen, despite the last line of the second pass just loading the texture from the first pass.
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#version 330 compatibility
uniform sampler2D colortex1; // normals
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
in vec2 texcoord;
layout(location = 2) out vec4 edge;
void make_kernel(inout vec4 n[9], sampler2D tex, vec2 coord)
float w = 1.0 / viewWidth;
float h = 1.0 / viewHeight;
n[0] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2( -w, -h));
n[1] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2(0.0, -h));
n[2] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2( w, -h));
n[3] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2( -w, 0.0));
n[4] = texture2D(tex, coord);
n[5] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2( w, 0.0));
n[6] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2( -w, h));
n[7] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2(0.0, h));
n[8] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2( w, h));
void main() {
vec4 n[9];
make_kernel(n, colortex1, texcoord);
vec3 sobel_x = n[2].rgb + 2.0 * n[5].rgb + n[8].rgb - n[0].rgb - 2.0 * n[3].rgb - n[6].rgb;
vec3 sobel_y = n[0].rgb + 2.0 * n[1].rgb + n[2].rgb - n[6].rgb - 2.0 * n[7].rgb - n[8].rgb;
vec3 sobel = sqrt(sobel_x * sobel_x + sobel_y * sobel_y);
float max = max(max(abs(sobel.x), abs(sobel.y)), abs(sobel.z));
edge = vec4(max, max, max, 1.0);
#version 330 compatibility
uniform sampler2D colortex1; // normals
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
in vec2 texcoord;
layout(location = 2) out vec4 edge;
void make_kernel(inout vec4 n[9], sampler2D tex, vec2 coord)
float w = 1.0 / viewWidth;
float h = 1.0 / viewHeight;
n[0] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2( -w, -h));
n[1] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2(0.0, -h));
n[2] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2( w, -h));
n[3] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2( -w, 0.0));
n[4] = texture2D(tex, coord);
n[5] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2( w, 0.0));
n[6] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2( -w, h));
n[7] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2(0.0, h));
n[8] = texture2D(tex, coord + vec2( w, h));
void main() {
vec4 n[9];
make_kernel(n, colortex1, texcoord);
vec3 sobel_x = n[2].rgb + 2.0 * n[5].rgb + n[8].rgb - n[0].rgb - 2.0 * n[3].rgb - n[6].rgb;
vec3 sobel_y = n[0].rgb + 2.0 * n[1].rgb + n[2].rgb - n[6].rgb - 2.0 * n[7].rgb - n[8].rgb;
vec3 sobel = sqrt(sobel_x * sobel_x + sobel_y * sobel_y);
float max = max(max(abs(sobel.x), abs(sobel.y)), abs(sobel.z));
edge = vec4(max, max, max, 1.0);
#version 330 compatibility
uniform sampler2D colortex2; // edge
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
in vec2 texcoord;
layout(location = 3) out vec4 bloom;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 color;
void main() {
int blurSize = 2;
vec4 bloomColor = vec4(0.0);
for (int x = -blurSize; x <= blurSize; x++) {
for (int y = -blurSize; y <= blurSize; y++) {
bloomColor += texture2D(colortex2, texcoord + vec2(x, y) / vec2(viewWidth, viewHeight));
bloomColor /= (2 * blurSize + 1) * (2 * blurSize + 1);
bloomColor.a = 1.0;
bloom = bloomColor;
// color = bloom;
color = texture2D(colortex2, texcoord);
#version 330 compatibility
uniform sampler2D colortex2; // edge
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
in vec2 texcoord;
layout(location = 3) out vec4 bloom;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 color;
void main() {
int blurSize = 2;
vec4 bloomColor = vec4(0.0);
for (int x = -blurSize; x <= blurSize; x++) {
for (int y = -blurSize; y <= blurSize; y++) {
bloomColor += texture2D(colortex2, texcoord + vec2(x, y) / vec2(viewWidth, viewHeight));
bloomColor /= (2 * blurSize + 1) * (2 * blurSize + 1);
bloomColor.a = 1.0;
bloom = bloomColor;
// color = bloom;
color = texture2D(colortex2, texcoord);