Snowy World mode on Complimentary 5.2.1 crashes Iris

6 Replies
Piotr Barcz YT
Piotr Barcz YT•4w ago
All I did was turn on snowy world and the shader stopped to loading 🤷‍♂️
hardester•4w ago
Maybe ask Emin about that? :harold: Or Emin told you to send a report here?
Piotr Barcz YT
Piotr Barcz YT•4w ago
No I just sent a report, didn't know Emin needed to know about it :thonkwithshades: But ok should I DM Emin about it? I thought because the shader was practically built for Iris at this point that the issue would more likely be on Iris's end but ok
hardester•4w ago
I don't recall any shaders pack that offers the same function that turns the world into so-called "snowy world" so, maybe ask the shaders author for something that's exclusive to the shaders pack first.
Piotr Barcz YT
Piotr Barcz YT•4w ago
I just turned it on just because I wanted to see what it does on a whim, I dmed Emin about it
IMS•4w ago dh_terrain.fsh: dh_terrain.fsh: 0(723) : error C1503: undefined variable "snowMinNdotU"
I don't see a crash just a failed shader (crash implies the game closed)