Log spam in current iris 1.8 build

I noticed in my log files that this particular line is being spammed in the logs: [12:31:24] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenGL debug message: id=1282, source=API, type=ERROR, severity=HIGH, message='GL_INVALID_OPERATION error generated. No active program.' I'm not sure what was the cause of this. I heard it was something to do with a previous litematica build, but i used a newer released version with fixes and the log spam is still there, i even disabled some texture mods and it still occurs. I am not sure if this is on the part of iris or on one or more mods that i am using. This only occurs after updating iris and sodium to their latest versions. I'm uploading 3 log files: The first is with all the mods enabled, second has litematica latest build disabled, third is some texture mods disabled but litematica was enabled after talking to Sakura-Ryoko and she suggested i disable some of the texture mods i am using. I also posted my modlist.
1 Reply
Slooshie7mo ago
Really any mod could cause this. It’s best if you can single out which one by doing a binary search

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