ASUS AMD Radeon R7 250 keeps crashing
i have a Radeon R7 250 series but it keeps crashing wih shaders when i look at alot of mobs in my screen idk how to fix it i was told to report here
57 Replies
Any crash logs in your game folder?
Well it is an 11 year old card
Supports OpenGL 4.6 so, technically still supported by Iris.
@hardester i dmed you the log
I recommend sending your logs directly here so that more people can check in and help.
Based on your logs, the mod Polytone claims that it is incompatible with Sodium. Maybe try removing that mod and see if it helps.
the mod adds support fpr meny reacource pack components il remove it and see if it works if it did i will have to find a alternitive
You're definitely not going to play with Sodium if you absolutely need Polytone.
@hardester did not change the game crashed again
Got a new crash log now?
@hardester amything?
You still have the same error regarding Polytone not being compatible with Iris. You sure this is the new one, or you didn't actually removed Polytone while testing?
tried again
did in thos one
@removed it in the new log i send now
This one, I saw Enhanced Block Entities spewing errors. Doesn't seem to be related, but just for testing sake, try removing this one next.
@hardester sorry for the late response il test it now
Going for dinner, doing laundy and bed soon. If you need further help, you have to wait for others to step in.
oh ok
il make this quick
happened again
Peculiar. You did managed to join a world before a crash happens.
So the crash only happens when you load a shader pack?
yes it only happens when i face a high amount of entitys
without shaders it runs fine 250 fps
i suspect it is a graphics card issue
i am gonna get a new one for other reasons as well so yeah
but would like to see this one work
my graphic card supports open-GL 4.3
Up to 4.3 and not 4.6? Well that explains a lot.
on the box it says microsoft directx 11.2 & openGL 4.3
doss it require 4.6
Ohhhhhhhhhhh.................. that makes sanse
Last night when I looked up your card it said it supports OpenGL 4.6
Ah hardester already mentioned that
but my card box says 4.3
Because 4.3 was the latest version of OpenGL when your card was manufactured
4.6 didn’t release till 2017
update your drivers?
windows update is disabled in my device / aka i deleted it
i think my card was released in 2014 correct?
wow my card is old
old card but runs minecraft with sodium with a fine 200 fps
Well if it supports OpenGL 4.6, there's no reason for it to be slow without shaders...
Anyways, consider checking if there's an updated driver for your card in AMD's website. I trust AMD for updated video drivers more than Windows Update anyway.
Who knows, running the latest supported driver might help with the crashing issue.
anything below 4.6 would crash?
Well, that's one of the possibilities of things that could occur. you can try this
we need OpenGL 4.6 not 2.0
read there for context
it may fix your issue
OMG Thanks you to Aldess, hardester and slooshie for 1. telling me the problem 2. helping me 3. acctully being a good support team
ok i think i found a way to fix the thing without a mod(still thanks for that) i use a outdated version of the drivers
so. . .
yeah my graphics do support 4.6(porbebly)
thats why
cuz i tested a r7 240 series
worked fine with shadees without crashing
but a performance was terrible compared to my radeon hd 6670
i have a radeon sappire 4800 HD
oh wait i ws suppost to give it to my dad
it was a strange card
windows would not render the toolbar the pc would tern off and everytime i used shader EVERY TIME 2/3 of the shaders would be incompadble if it was compadble it would break and when i joined servers like hoplite the game would crash
mine is also sapphire
yeah ATI 4800 was a bit. .. strange
btw don't use userbenchmark. Their reviews and information is heavily biased and wrong
is a radeon R7 250 stronger then a ATI 4800
the R7 250 seems to be slightly more capable than the ATI 4800 and also has support for DX12 and OpenGL 4.6, which the 4800 does not
UserBenchmark is considered misinformation. Please use a better hardware review site like Gamers Nexus website.
it almost seems like userbenchmark was created for the sole purpose of hating on amd lmao
fuck, I'm very sorry I accidentally deleted the message while pressing shift :cri:
I just wanted to reply
literally me
k is it me or did the softwere bring my fps form normal 160 to normal 260 with tripble buffering for openGL

for context i was using a driver made for windows 8.1
now i can have 80 fps with vsync
thank you for this
now i can run in my Amd Radeon Hd 6450 2GB (but with a laggy its good for replay mod for me)