All my shaders are performing poorly

Hi ! I'm back on MC after a year and I've noticed that doesn't matter which shader I install, the fps are always low when playing. Without them with a resource pack I can ran easily around 200+ fps. Last year I was playing with the same resource pack and the high version of the shader that I'm currently using and I was stable at 160 fps. Am I missing something ? I'm running on a 3080. Thanks to whoever can help me. I'm not an expert at all, so please be patient with me 🙂
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32 Replies
Darl_Templar•16mo ago
I see you are on a laptop As you said, you are using your laptop around a year Did you clean it? Check the temperature while you are playing to spot overheating
IldrirthOP•16mo ago
Professionally cleaned and liquid metal replaced yesterday Temperatures aren't over 73/75°
Darl_Templar•16mo ago
That's good about temperature
IldrirthOP•16mo ago
Machine is 2 years old Rog Zephyrus G15 Ga503qs
Darl_Templar•16mo ago
That may be one of the reasons
IldrirthOP•16mo ago
Only on mc ? Playing Cyber Punk with ultra on everything and barely having less than 110fps qwq And before I updated to the 1.20.2 everything was ok I'm genuinely confused
IMS•16mo ago
send a spark log (Download the mod named spark, and run /sparkc profiler —timeout 20 in chat)
IldrirthOP•16mo ago
Oh ok thanks ! As soon as I can I'll do it
IldrirthOP•16mo ago
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IldrirthOP•16mo ago
I guess I messed up somewhere
IMS•16mo ago
ios moment i meant to type --, not the weird dash
IldrirthOP•16mo ago
oh oki Do I do the test with the shaer on btw ?
IMS•16mo ago
turn on shaders before running it yeah
IldrirthOP•16mo ago
oki brb
IMS•16mo ago
it logs what's going on over 20 seconds
IldrirthOP•16mo ago
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
IMS•16mo ago
IldrirthOP•16mo ago
Thx to you ! Blessed I didn't mess it up xd
IMS•16mo ago
oh wow... yikes it's waiting for around 80% of the frame for the GPU to finish something what that is, i couldn't tell you honestly try turning on vsync
IldrirthOP•16mo ago
Sodium from the sodium/iris settings ?
IMS•16mo ago
IldrirthOP•16mo ago
I genuinely believe it got worst I do another test ?
IMS•16mo ago
Hm I’d recommend just trying to DDU your drivers
LilyBot•16mo ago
Using DDU is an alternative way to update / reinstall malfunctioning drivers.
You can use DDU to clean up any issues that your drivers may have had when installing. Here are the steps that you take: 1) Download your drivers manually 2) Boot into Safe mode 3) DDU the driver 4) Install the driver from the manually downloaded installer in Step 1 5) Boot back into normal mode.
Tag requested by ims21
IldrirthOP•16mo ago this is with the VSYNC on This is without the shader
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
IldrirthOP•16mo ago
I had it done last week actually, after an update. Possible that the driver can be the issue indeed ? Possible that instead of using the GPU 3080 is using the integrate AMD cpu ? Cause I don't understand anything of the results but I do see the CPU and not the GPU in the results Just did the whole DDU procedure and well, didn't change the issue with the shader. It's so weird cause the issue it's happening only in minecraft when trying to use any existing shaders. Even lowering the resolution of the screen doesn't help much at all.
Slooshie•16mo ago
You can tell Minecraft is using the GPU in the top right of your F3 menu where it says Display
IldrirthOP•16mo ago
Correct. I was referring about the spark results. I've read CPU in those and not GPU But I have no clue about how to read those results so I could definitely be wrong about this
Slooshie•16mo ago
do you mean you think Spark is using your integrated graphics while the rest of Minecraft isn't? That's not possible do you have RivaTuner Statistics Server/MSI Afterburner running in the background? It causes issues with iris so try closing that program completely if you have it
IldrirthOP•16mo ago
I have Riva Tuner downloaded but not active at all, msi I don't use it either. Should I disinstall it ?
Slooshie•16mo ago
IldrirthOP•16mo ago
Good then ! Cause I was confused about that xd At this point I don't know what could be the issue at all. Kinda lost :c

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