Rendering emissive meshes
Hey, could anyone please help me with a specific rendering bug?
(1.20.1) I want to render emissive lines and quads that receive bloom post processing from shaders
I tried the following, which should render the plane just like the eyes of an enderman:
And here the drawTri (it should be drawQuad):
which results in this:
15 Replies
In rethinking voxels, it receives shading and lighting, which I don't want, I would like it to be unlit
(I also tried different renderlayers, none worked, all received shading in rethinking voxels, however in BSL they all seemed to 'work')
ultimately, I'd like to render pixel HDR values >1 so that the bloom effect amplifies
Or in other words: I just need some code that renders emissive lines and quads (emissive meaning unlit) that works with rethinking voxel shaders
can anyone please help? :)
(I also tried my own shader, copied the core shader of eyes, loaded it with my own renderlayer BUT when loading shaders, it disappeared)
second solution in vanilla (seems fine)
(second solution with BSL or Rethinking Voxels, is just gone)
But I think the second solution is a deadend.
Regarding the first (copying the RenderLayer of eye rendering), it works AWESOME in BSL shaders (left) but not at all with rethinking voxels (right)
Any help is greatly appreciated 😊 (I added the vertexConsumer code)
I fixed it!
this is the intended way, if it isn't working it's probably the shader itself ignoring anything that's not known spiders/endermen
Actually I think it can't know what is a mob and what not?
it can
I was just using RenderLayer.getText instead of getEyes, lmao
because iris provides that info
it does some injections to map an entity to an integer ID
Damn, then the shader did not check for that
so individual entities can be singled out
generally, shaders just assume eyes means emissive, because it's a lot of work to manually check everything