it wont load on labymod 1.20.6

it will just crash
10 Replies
TheNewSky7d ago
There’s prob something in labymod that’s incompatible with Iris 1.7
ITL Supress
ITL Supress7d ago
Last I remember it was their emote engine. If we can have a log or crash report that would help a lot with determining who needs to add support for what.
hardester7d ago
RN Gaming
RN Gaming7d ago
ITL Supress
ITL Supress6d ago
No class def found points to either a major major mixin incompatibility or minecraft/the mod is installed incorrectly/an incorrect version. Cause those are obfuscated source classes that it can't find. In this case its probably the former. Major mixin incompat. For testing can you try without custom portal API? Its mixins are showing in that log. Or is it required? I don't expect it to fix just wanna cpean up the log a bit.
RN Gaming
RN Gaming6d ago
That api is implomented by my own mod it still crashes
ITL Supress
ITL Supress5d ago
Its probably the same emote related crash common with Labymod users. Send the cleaner log if you can.
IMS5d ago
I won't support any client that doesn't use normal Fabric mods
RN Gaming
RN Gaming5d ago
it is not true if i use the latest version on modrith launcher is still crashes but i fixed with iris ya