BBS mod will render incorrectly when using sharders with the DH mod

I apologize that I am not a native English speaker. The following content has been translated into English by ChatGPT, which may cause some reading difficulties. I’m very sorry! I am frustrated that when using the BBS mod in Minecraft to create rendering animations, simply using Iris alongside the DH mod does not cause any issues. However, when I use shaders, it results in severe rendering errors within the BBS mod (the visuals are extremely broken, the kind that could be harmful to people with photosensitivity, so I won’t include screenshots). Since there are no issues without shaders but significant problems when shaders are enabled, I suspect this is an issue with Iris. I sincerely hope Iris can achieve minimal compatibility with BBS to address the rendering issues when using DistantHorizons-2.2.1-a-1.20.1-forge-fabric. Even the most basic level of compatibility would be a significant improvement. Thanks!
1 Reply
qzx0726OP4mo ago
iris is the vision of 1.8

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