Spectacular reflections: Why does this happen?
Why does some textures become like this using spectacular reflections?

22 Replies
Become like what?
Maybe that's just how the texture was designed?
Ask the pack dev if it's correct or not maybe
Also post a picture with the f3 menu visible please

this is without the spectacular reflections
I still don't really know what the issue is though
the incredibly visible white lines
Is it the parts of the texture that aren't reflective?
Show the f3 menu please
And name the resourcepack so I can try it

name of resourcepack is creatorpack
Did you set RP mode to LabPBR in the main shader settings
integrated rp
That is the wrong one
LabPBR uses the resourcepacks PBR textures
Integrated PBR makes the shader apply it's own PBR to textures, which is intended for vanilla textures
So you can run minecraft without a resourcepack and still have PBR features
Yeah I know but if I dont have it on there's no reflection and it usually isnt a problem on other resource packs
and its only on the iron blocks
or the iron stuff
Does the creatorpack have PBR textures?
no it doesnt
Then there is no solution for you I'm afraid. Integrated PBR applies effects such as specular reflection based on the textures being used, it assumes vanilla textures since it's meant to work with vanilla textures
When you apply a resourcepack integrated PBR sees colors it doesn't really expect and applies PBR slightly incorrectly
Sorry for the wall of text lol

its weird cuz its only iron xD
I guess the other blocks have more lenient PBR applied
You could come to the complementary discord and ask if Emin can make iPBR work better with that resourcepack
He may be able to do something
ah yeah true I could try that
Oh you could also try Complementary Reimagined and see how the PBR there treats the iron blocks