realm compatibility?

Can I make upload a world with this mod to realm status? I am trying right now but I am stuck on the upload screen
16 Replies
hardester12mo ago
Have you checked how big your world folder is? If you have been using Distant Horizons in it, your world can be very big. Upwards to hundreds of gigabytes big.
CopperOP12mo ago
Yes, it said my world was too big for uploading Is there a way I can save the folder and compress it? I cant even upload my world in game into a backup because the file is too big
hardester12mo ago
Solution is to removed the saved lod files from your world:
# For overworld.

# For other dimensions,
# N is a number.
# For overworld.

# For other dimensions,
# N is a number.
Will require regenerating the lods afterwards unfortunately.
CopperOP12mo ago
So will this mean my world data is corrupted or rewritten? Sorry I am new to this mod scene
hardester12mo ago
Distant Horizons stores its data separate from the world. Deleting these files does not break your world. You only lose the additional chunks generated by Distant Horizons.
CopperOP12mo ago
Awesome! And will they be randomly regenerated?
hardester12mo ago
Systematically regenerated.
CopperOP12mo ago
So this is what the original looked like, the distance which i never actually visited will be altered or not
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hardester12mo ago
Unfortunately you'll lose the fancy view. Also, Flying close to the sun by playing Distant Horizons in your survival world? :linus:
CopperOP12mo ago
Nooooooooo, I did visit the lake so maybe some will save
hardester12mo ago
Again, world data is safe. What's not is Distant Horizons data. Also yes, you gonna have to revisit the lake to regenerate the lods.
CopperOP12mo ago
But yes I am a big fan of the vistas Wait can I technically just go into creative, load the entire view so it classifies as world data and then mess with the files?
hardester12mo ago
You don't have to, it's already there. Again, Distant Horizons data is separate from Minecraft world data. You only lose Distant Horizons data, which can be regenerated.
CopperOP12mo ago
Sorry I dont know what I am missing, the distant horizons data you refer to is everything that is outside of my playable render that I have never walked near
CopperOP12mo ago
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CopperOP12mo ago
My point is why dont I just fly over the world in the x so it turns into world data rather than DH data, Then I can keep this great view

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