Question Regarding Using Forge as the ModLoader While Trying to Run the Experimental DH w Shaders After reading this post and doing some digging online, I think ive gathered the experimental vs. of DH that is attempting to make Shaders Compatible with DH isnt conducive with Forge, instead it uses Fabric. However, like ive seen from reddit threads and the link above in this discord, it seems possible that there are workarounds to run Fabric mods in Forge with special "Bridge" mods like Oculus (compared to Iris) and Embeddium (compared to Sodium). The last message in the discord link above made it seem like Mr guess figured out how to run DH Experimental with shader support on a forge modloader for 1.20.1, which is exactly what Im trying to do. But Ive tried running these 3, and also all 5 in my mods folder to no avail. I do have Embeddium and Oculus running on this modpack prior with no issues. The issue presents with a lack of the settings button showing up in the options screen in game like ive seen from multiple sources. I also saw advice to run jarfix? But im not certain that is exactly the issue here though im probably going to go ahead and do that and see if it fixes this.
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31 Replies
Hencoat12mo ago
I mean I've technically run DH and shaders on Forge, and it loads with options. It just looks like ass and has weird artifacts all over the screen.
MossyOakOP12mo ago
:__: Maybe I want that aesthetic
Hencoat12mo ago
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MossyOakOP12mo ago
Just ran Jarfix, no different
Slooshie12mo ago
Jarfix is only to fix the installer not opening with Java
MossyOakOP12mo ago
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MossyOakOP12mo ago
Distant Horizons Jar doesnt show up in the mods screen either, but ive had other mods work without showing up here too
Slooshie12mo ago
Oculus is the unofficial and buggy forge port of Iris. Embeddium is the less buggy but still buggy and unofficial port of sodium. They are NOT bridges to use Fabric mods on Forge.They do NOT have LOD shading support, but I think they just have the basic compatibility (think of it as coexistence and not cooperation; the LODs still render with shaders but they will look vanilla or sometimes look wrong due to how the shader works) that the stable releases of Iris has. Obviously depends on the shaderpack
MossyOakOP12mo ago
Gotcha So i can expect the end result to not look great but still function in the sense of loading the chunks in advance for seemless exploration for a long bit?
Slooshie12mo ago
Hencoat12mo ago
You could achieve that with Chunky though
MossyOakOP12mo ago
And LODS are the superior method of accomplishing that goal, compared to other pre-chunk loaders? Im not 100 on my terminology Ill start investigating that
Slooshie12mo ago
And from what I’ve heard the oculus dev team is not planning on supporting DH since Iris is getting an official forge and NeoForge port someday that will likely support DH itself (no promises, just speculating)
MossyOakOP12mo ago Reason being is I made a Falcon and I want to zip around in it lol
fae Firebird
Millennium Falcon
Eureka! Valkyrien Skies 2 Create Create Sabers Create Jetpack MrCrayFish Guns Embeddium Oculus Complementary Unbound Physics
Slooshie12mo ago
Yeah, otherwise if you try to render like 128 full-quality real chunks your fps will suffer
Hencoat12mo ago
Chunky for sure. Forge DH looks terrible when moving around the world.
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MossyOakOP12mo ago
Gotcha, man minecraft has come ages sense I last played it 4 years ago.
Slooshie12mo ago
The LODs render chunks at a lower quality to decrease the load on the GPU, and DH is also multithreaded (something Minecraft in general is really bad at) so it uses your CPU more efficiently Even if you pregenerate chunks, too high of a render distance will tank performance without DH, but you can probably try to push a bit past 32 with Bobby
MossyOakOP12mo ago
32 is probably fine, I wish there was a way to NOT load whats happening below a certain y level, i feel like so much RAM would be freed up if caves were loaded separately once the player went below a Y threshhold Variations in terrain height would cause some terrain issues on surface, but starting with a Y level discrimination would be a start
Slooshie12mo ago
Bobby has a setting that caps the internal server view distance while keeping your client’s render distance uncapped. This means you only load chunks up to the server’s view distance but can see further chunks if they were already loaded I hope that makes sense This is actually the case already with Sodium, using a technology called culling. Only what you see gets rendered. Everything else is ignored
MossyOakOP12mo ago
It does
MossyOakOP12mo ago
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MossyOakOP12mo ago
Yea this bitch was causing me grief with my Eureka Falcon
Slooshie12mo ago
MossyOakOP12mo ago
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MossyOakOP12mo ago
Trialed and errored that down to Face Culling
Slooshie12mo ago
Yeah some mods can be finicky with it
MossyOakOP12mo ago
Caused the sides of the Falcon to be invis when turned into an entity I guess they got some kind of top-down perspective on the ship cause the tops were fine, the sides and I think bottoms werent though Optifine (prior to changing that outdated trash) had the entire thing turn invis
Slooshie12mo ago
There’s also a mod called More Culling that adds blockstate culling, which is even more aggressive than Sodium’s and usually doesn’t cause issues in a vanilla environment but once you add a resource pack with custom models (like 3D trapdoors just as an example) or use certain mods it can break some stuff
MossyOakOP12mo ago
That'd probably be fine if they had super refined and specific settings to enable/disable, I only had to disable the block face culling to fix this issue It took me an hour to find which setting (if any) with the shaders to see if it could be fixed I appreciate the help @Slooshie @Hencoat (Renowned Author)
Slooshie12mo ago

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