distance horizon with shader which gpu required I mean which best cuz am build new pc

I want to record distance horizon with shader videos and upload on yt Like this vid https://youtu.be/AxR5Bs4qAqo?si=rSjHmM6mp7j0qYBo Please watch this after tell me which item best for make this type minecraft video I can able to buy gpu 8gb ram but if this works in good fps or record in 4gb gpu so please ask me am waiting for your answers Am belong to poor middle class family but I save some money for buy new pc so please help me please 🙏 😢
Minecraft Film Photography Mod - Exposure, Distant Horizons, and B...
Thanks for watching! For more videos check out my channel🌍 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpVqvdWgMgAQHTZJqsZt-pg *PLEASE READ Some of the mods I used in this video are using beta versions only found through the mods discord servers at the moment, not through Modrinth or or Curseforge. The discord links can be found within the links below but...
253 Replies
That Guy
That Guy11mo ago
well rtx 4090 is always the best but it is very pricy and if you are on a budget then I would suggest the gtx 1070 second hand or gtx 1080 second hand
ActuallyTheOwner11mo ago
40 series isn't recommended on linux 3080, I hear, is very powerful I use a 3060
IMS11mo ago
idk what you’re on To my knowledge you can’t have DLSS 3 on Linux but it’s just as powerful if not more
Deleted User 69w420a
i agree with @That Guy , if you have a low budget then the second hand market will be amazing! get a second hand 1080 or better if possible! you can also go for AMD 5700xt did brownycat mention anything about using linux? i must have missed it!
ActuallyTheOwner11mo ago
It's a great OS that many people use and ot saves headache to know about compatibility. 40 series still works, but drivers are new. AMD Gpu also do very well with Minecraft if AMD is an option Make sure to turn on discreet GPU though if using a launcher like prism so you use the most of your GPU It may give you a few hundred frames
LiquidVicinity11mo ago
i have found openjdk to be very performant at least on linux
hardester11mo ago
:harold: Well I guess everything is an Iris issue, even though we made #dh-help for anything mentioning Distant Horizons...
brownycatOP11mo ago
So mean I buy 4gb gpu is good? I want win 10 Please my gpu budget is 120-150 USD Can someone send me amazon link with gpu I mean gpu amazon link which I can buy 4gb Nvidia? 4gb Nvidia gtx 1650 is good for distance horizon with shader play and record screen in 1080px mean HD ? Please tell me if that 4gb gpu do this so am not buy expansive? 🥺
hardester11mo ago
:harold: This is out of scope for the Iris Discord server. You will need to look things up online for that additional information.
brownycatOP11mo ago
But 4 gb Nvidia gpu good for run without lag distance horizon with shader and record in hd with good fps?
hardester11mo ago
Don't look at VRAM. Look at the card's performance. A 1650 may be able to play and record on the same hardware, but you are going to push the card very hard playing with Distant Horizons and shaders.
brownycatOP11mo ago
So its good or not
hardester11mo ago
brownycatOP11mo ago
This card 4 gb able to play distance horizon with shader and recording in hd no lag Please 🙏 cuz idk anything about how build good pc
hardester11mo ago
https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/compare/4078vs4049/GeForce-GTX-1650-vs-Radeon-RX-580-2048SP :linus: You ain't recording at 1080p without lag on that card, unless NVENC is very good at doing it.
brownycatOP11mo ago
My gpu budget is under 200 usd @LEGNOS @LEGNOS Here's
Hems ♢
Hems ♢11mo ago
u need to understand how things work in order to build a new pc or just buy a pre-built pc
brownycatOP11mo ago
I have already but its not work now it's dead reason motherboard shock with process i5 and gigabyte b360m gaming HD motherboard rip That's why I need build new but this time I want to record distance horizon with shader and HD video no lag fps Main reason why me ask everyone for tell me best gpu and in budget like 200-250 usd So please suggest me best gpu in 250 usd
Hems ♢
Hems ♢11mo ago
i'd go with 7600rx or rx 6650 xt
brownycatOP11mo ago
Tell price in usd
hardester11mo ago
You managed to pull this one up. Why not pull one for those cards?
ActuallyTheOwner11mo ago
it varies depending on seller AMD GPU are good for linux. Prebuilt pc are not recommended as they lack upgradability, so it can help to save up. Nvidia is more common than AMD, but if you want a cheap, albeit early dev GPU, go for an Intel Arc. Intel Arc are limited by their drivers more than hardware. Within a few years, Intel GPU will out compete other GPU more easily They are broken in a few games, but are a lot cheap and more powerful than GPU made with similar prices. Remember that intel has always had good integrated graphics compared to AMD Intel knows what they are doing on graphics
ActuallyTheOwner11mo ago
MN Benchmarks
Intel ARC A750 | Minecraft 1.19.4 | 1080p | 8 Shaders Tested
Intel Arc A750 Benchmark/FPS Test in Minecraft at 1080p. 8 Different shaders tested + no shaders. Gameplay recorded with a Capture Card to ensure no peformance loss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME STAMPS 0:00 Intro 0:09 1080p No Shaders 1:05 1080p Beyond Belief L...
ActuallyTheOwner11mo ago
Note, Nvidia CPU are indev too, but will be a few more years after arc is stable It most likely will focus on AI, but is uneeded for most users AMD CPU is still my fav AMD works best if combining AMD GPU and CPU, but I use an RTX 3060 which is just outside your price range if you got it precovid, it would have been in your price range
hardester11mo ago
:harold: Poor guy getting information overload.
chalky11mo ago
nvenc is really good tbh i have a 1650ti and i can record cad models at 4k with no sweat
hardester11mo ago
Try Distant Horizons with shaders just for the OP to get some ideas on how his card of choice would perform.
brownycatOP11mo ago
I able to buy rtx 3050 or 3060 which one is good or after I buy rtx I able to play distance horizon with shader and record in hd no lag good fps Pls reply me I wait for answers
chalky11mo ago
you have to remember that no matter what graphics card you buy you need to have a power supply that is able to power the whole system
brownycatOP11mo ago
3050 8gb gpu 3060 12 gb gpu
chalky11mo ago
theres no point buying a 3060 if you aren't able to supply adequate power
brownycatOP11mo ago
Crossair or cooler master SMPS good? Means ? SMPS OR UPS Wat mean of adequate power If you know about build gaming pc pls dm me ask me how I build motherboard name , ram , cabinet, gpu everything if you know Am came after few min
Hems ♢
Hems ♢11mo ago
and no skill to understand them all if u know what i mean my amazon is on arabic can't find the american one i recommend u to go to a computer shop instead and see what u're looking for
hardester11mo ago
hardester11mo ago
If you need resource or help on these points instead, this is the best video I could find that's approachable to those clueless on how to build one. https://youtu.be/DC-Xn2C_L1U
Linus Tech Tips
First Person View POV PC BUILD Guide! (2024)
From May 10th until May 31st, you can get a whopping 20% off select iFixit Toolkits! Check out the sale over at https://ifix.gd/ltt-toolkits Building a PC is can be tricky, but now you can see exactly how to do it through the eyes of a professional! This is our 2024 POV PC Build guide! Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1569...
brownycatOP11mo ago
brownycatOP11mo ago
Me buy rtx 3050 or 3060 8gb vs 12 gb
Hems ♢
Hems ♢11mo ago
ram doesn't matter and what type are they but anyways 3060
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
4gb is alright personally I have 8gb vram on my gtx 1070 but that does not matter as much as the performance to price ratio I wouldn't recommend buying a 3050 as its performance is lower than the gtx 1070 or 1080 which you can source for a lower price same as 3060
rooot :3 🌸
rooot :3 🌸10mo ago
its not about the performance (as you said, as good as windows), its about the drivers being very bad and causing instability and random breakage not sure if/how much that improved with newer GPUs but I had a shit ton of issues with a 1070 that just didn't exist on windows switched to AMD and the issues suddenly vanished
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
That is just stupid why are the drivers so bad they should be the same for each platform well then I recommend a rx580 if you go with a amd gpu
rooot :3 🌸
rooot :3 🌸10mo ago
because nvidia is a big corporation and it doesn't make too much sense for them to support a platform that is a) extremely different from windows, and b) barely has any userbase compared to windows their biggest linux userbase is not gamers, its people and companies with big server farms for computation and those obviously don't have rendering related issues
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
Oh okay thanks for explaining
brownycatOP10mo ago
Me ask my near computer shop they tell me about rtx 3050 and 3060 best for gaming Or they tell me gtx 1650 is lower Or rtx more powerful for gaming fps recording hd I think I buy rtx 3050 for distance horizon with shader and vid record in hd no lag its best for me I think
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
the 3050 is not gonna get high fps the last 2 digits of a gpu name can tell you the processing power the higher the better so the 1070 and 1080 are gonna have more fps but way less ray tracing power (they don't have ray tracing cores) but if you are going with 30 series then I would recommend 3080 or 3090. 3070 is the lowest I would go
TheNewSky10mo ago
3050 is not a good option lol
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
brownycatOP10mo ago
Wat about rtx 3060? This one
brownycatOP10mo ago
GIGABYTE NVIDIA GeForce RTX™ 3060 WINDFORCE OC 12GB GDDR6 Graphics Card (GV-N3060WF2OC-12GD) comes with NVIDIA Ampere Streaming, Multiprocessors, 2nd Generation RT Cores, 3rd Generation Tensor Cores, Powered by GeForce RTX™ 3060, Integrated with 12GB GDDR6 192-bit, memory interface, WINDFORCE 2X ...
brownycatOP10mo ago
Pls send me 3070 amazon link If not much deference in cost so I try
Lily10mo ago
3060ti is pretty good
brownycatOP10mo ago
Rtx 3060 ? This one ? Pls check
Hems ♢
Hems ♢10mo ago
is he still finding a graphics card for distance horizon with shaders and video recording hd no lag
TheNewSky10mo ago
GPU options in India don’t look that good You should try looking at used graphics cards to see if there are any good deals If there aren’t any good deals then a RTX 4060 or RTX 3060 might be your best bet if your max price is around ₹30,000 AMD Radeon graphics cards are usually better deals but looking at Amazon.in they look to be around the same price but AMD graphics cards use more power so it might end up being a worse option
brownycatOP10mo ago
Amd gpu to many ppl say heating to much Yea 😦 cuz me also want good with dh shader + recording but also in my near budget Under 500 usd I want to build pc
TheNewSky10mo ago
AMD graphics cards don’t get hot enough to be bad but they use more power which would mean you pay more for electricity And if you’re going for a cheap graphics card the amount of power it uses is probably something you would also care about What’s the max amount you’re willing to spend on the graphics card? Also are you in India?
brownycatOP10mo ago
200 to 250 ok 300 usd Combodia Bruh rtx 3060 not cheap is expansive Also it's good gpu I see in yt For distance horizon with shader bliss and good fps no lag reneder long distance with details Also good in hd recording gameplay for yt Also 12 gb ram gpu help fast smooth editing Me right? 🥺🤔
TheNewSky10mo ago
You’re in Cambodia? You had sent a link to the Indian Amazon page so I assumed you’re in India. I don’t think having 12GB of gpu ram is necessary. You’re probably better off getting the 4060 for a tiny bit more than the 3060 Or buying a used gpu 3060 isn’t cheap but compared to the other gpus it is
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
I would definitely buy a used gpu if that is your price range because used gpus don't really have any worse performance they are just cheaper becuase some one bought it before you
brownycatOP10mo ago
cuz that all link send my indian friend Name legnoz 4060 is so much expansive I need adjust my budget
TheNewSky10mo ago
The 4060 and 3060 are near the same price where I am
brownycatOP10mo ago
yea its more 100 usd for 4060
TheNewSky10mo ago
brownycatOP10mo ago
tht why me try to buy 3060 3060 12gb ram
TheNewSky10mo ago
I’d still look for used gpus first You might be able to find a good deal
brownycatOP10mo ago
yaa can me dm u
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
PB Tech
pbtech.co.nz "MSI NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 VENTUS 2X BLACK 8G OC 8GB OC GDDR6 Graphics Card 2 Slot - 1x 8 Pin Power - Mimimum 550W PSU
brownycatOP10mo ago
dear is MSI i want nvidia for not get any problem or live long time my gpu life
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
but look at the price
brownycatOP10mo ago
yaa its same not much high my budget is 500-600 usd or now pc build expert tell me to add 790 gigabyte ddr5 or 32gb ddr5 isss going now total like 800-850 usd 😭 outoff budget
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
I have a 10 year old laptop that is more expensive and can run Minecraft at maybe 50 fps at best with lowered graphics settings
Duseral10mo ago
i have a few years old laptop which cost around 500 usd and can run Minecraft at 144+ fps with sodium and lithium and all the stuff its 300+ fps
TheNewSky10mo ago
With shaders and distant horizons?
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
gaming laptop probably
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
you do not need that much ram 32 is enough and it doesn't have to be ddr5 ddr4 works perfectly well
TheNewSky10mo ago
Does the “pc expert” also happen to be the one selling the parts
brownycatOP10mo ago
;/ dude am talk about dh + shader recording rendring ki
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
ah right, well I'm just saying that 600 bucks might not get you too far
brownycatOP10mo ago
;/ idh even 10 usd more for get mouse
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
That would be worth it though as long as it is a good mouse ie glorouis model 2, or razer mouse
brownycatOP10mo ago
2k monitor for rtx 3080 12gb or hd monitor which is good or not give load all time on gpu or good in fps recording everything ;/
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
I would say 2k if it is in your budget but otherwise just go for hd
Hems ♢
Hems ♢10mo ago
personally FHD 1080p or 1440p is enough
Duseral10mo ago
isnt 1440p = 2k?
hardester10mo ago
No. :linus:
hardester10mo ago
Display resolution
The display resolution or display modes of a digital television, computer monitor, or other display device is the number of distinct pixels in each dimension that can be displayed. It can be an ambiguous term especially as the displayed resolution is controlled by different factors in cathode ray tube (CRT) displays, flat-panel displays (includi...
brownycatOP10mo ago
ActuallyTheOwner10mo ago
Unless people have 20/20 vision or better, I feel even 4K is pushing what is needed ,unless it's a mobile device 8K is something I don't get the point of 5K phones would be nice
TheNewSky10mo ago
Pretty sure high res is less noticeable on a phone
Aggressive Combo
Aggressive Combo10mo ago
intel arc would be great for you get an a580 if your budget is 200 it costs 179 4k isn't retina with normal viewing distance with a 27 inch not even 5k im pretty sure
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
intel graphics cards are so unrelieable they are usually unstable as well I would not suggest getting an intel graphics card
ActuallyTheOwner10mo ago
Intel GPU have potential due to the GPU being cheap and effective even on Linux. The issue is drivers are new, but the hardware is there
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
ig I am not a big fan of them though
ActuallyTheOwner10mo ago
Don't be that guy
brownycatOP10mo ago
ya intel gpu in build i think its not powerfull then rtx 3060 12gb
Aggressive Combo
Aggressive Combo10mo ago
Not anymore Are we in 2022 or not Just because something was once trash doesn't mean it's trash forever They've been hard at work fixing drivers for 2 years
brownycatOP10mo ago
ya but is like we got more fps then rtx 3060 12gb
Kim Dokja
Kim Dokja10mo ago
man the grammer sucks but i would recommend a 3060 no less
Hems ♢
Hems ♢10mo ago
just get a 3060 ain't no way u're still deciding
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
bro says the person who uses lower case 'i' when talking about themselves
Kim Dokja
Kim Dokja10mo ago
chill bro it's the internet my words have to make sense. what he says does not.
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
yea I guess it was just kinda ironic
TheNewSky10mo ago
english is their second language
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
ohhhh that makes sense
TheNewSky10mo ago
Apparently the OpenGL performance is still bad so it won’t be that good for Minecraft
IcE28BoY10mo ago
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
F70810mo ago
1080ti and become happy Anyway new releases of DH and iris are nore optimized. So no need very powerful pc for beautiful game
Duseral10mo ago
We all should be glad that minecraft can be modded to this level of beauty
IcE28BoY10mo ago
we can only be grateful that the game was originally made оn Java. without mods, its just meh (optimization,content)
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
Fun fact, running a GTX 1660 ti here and even on minimal impact I get stuttering with the mods
brownycatOP10mo ago
no i did order its take 4-5 days cuz me live in small combodian village ;/
F70810mo ago
Allocate more RAM I got 1070 lol and all work perfectly
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
10 gigabytes might try 6 but I'm not betting on any better performance
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
same I got gtx 1070 SC2
brownycatOP10mo ago
i also buy DDR5 16 GB ram and ssd nvme 256 GB its good?
chalky10mo ago
ddr5 ram for what motherboard 💀 and what cpu
hardester10mo ago
:harold: This is not an Iris issue anymore...
Duseral10mo ago
it never was
Hems ♢
Hems ♢10mo ago
fr does ur motherboard even support ddr5?
TheNewSky10mo ago
They’re buying an entirely new pc
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
you don't really need ddr5 it doesn't even improve ram performance that much
Hems ♢
Hems ♢10mo ago
i noticed yes
ActuallyTheOwner10mo ago
Nvme need a thermal pad if you get one Ddr5 is too early for anyone to recommend
TheNewSky10mo ago
Ddr5 came out in like 2021
✨ Λ I C Ξ (えじりあch。)
disagree. DDR5 has gotten way cheaper nowadays. About a year ago, i wouldve said the same thing. MSI tomahawk series is pretty good tbh im biased for ROG but still good previous gen i5 or i7 is good for what they sell now 12 or 13 for gpu, 3060ti is def way to go, unless if you can find a good deal on a 3070ti or 3080/ti 40 series is literally dog water for the price, only thing with good "value" is the 4090 but not worth an upgrade if u alr have a 30 series card dont overspend on an AIO and get a good performing air cooler for ram get something like the corsair vengeance or trident Z5 always get ssd for your OS i recommend WD black or samsung get 250-500gb for OS, and 1-2 TB for storage get 850w psu for potential upgrades, + they not really expensive now anyways thanks for listening to my speech
TheNewSky10mo ago
With how low their budget was I recommended amd cpus because they are much cheaper in Cambodia Than intel
✨ Λ I C Ξ (えじりあch。)
what cambodia ok mb
TheNewSky10mo ago
Yea Complicates things
✨ Λ I C Ξ (えじりあch。)
but tbh i have a history bias on intel last time i used AMD it was pretty unstable idk about it much now
ActuallyTheOwner10mo ago
Wtf Cambodia? That's where you are from?
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
that is where the person buying a new pc is from amd is actually very good nowadays it is stable and has good overclocking capabilities and is cheaper because the motherboards support more than 1 cpu
✨ Λ I C Ξ (えじりあch。)
Sounds good
ActuallyTheOwner10mo ago
Make sure imports / export price is good
brownycatOP10mo ago
i7 13th gen yep 10 more fps we get check in yt
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
10fps isn't much
brownycatOP10mo ago
5 fps impact ur game
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
maybe if you're already down at 20
brownycatOP10mo ago
go on yt search
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
5 fps won't make a difference above 30 fps
brownycatOP10mo ago
😑 1 fps even impact ur gameplay
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
Nah, you won't see the difference
brownycatOP10mo ago
if you got more 10 fps so you can see difference in ur game recording gameplay
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
we call it diminishing returns. the human eye can't precieve the difference between 60 and 65 fps, and it won't see the difference at all between 100 and 150 fps and you won't see the difference at all past around 130 fps at all actually
brownycatOP10mo ago
i want to make distance horizon vid with shader iris so if i record i need best fps for gameplay 0 lag
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
you're never going to get zero lag with distant horizons and shaders it's impossible to do so
brownycatOP10mo ago
and more fps make ur gameplay smooth
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
all the videos on youtube have dropped frames
brownycatOP10mo ago
i have 2gb gpu ;/ its not able thats why me now buy rtx 3060 12gb
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
yeah that will help but you'll still get maybe... uuuh.... a little over 100 fps and it'll swing from that to 70 most likely with the CPU lag spikes if you're getting over 60 fps, 10 fps will not make a difference in the recording quality as videos only display a maximum of 60 fps to begin with
brownycatOP10mo ago
i research everything after order rtx 3060
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
yeah go for it, bang for the buck
brownycatOP10mo ago
or i order i7 13th gen 16 core 24 threades
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
I'm just saying with that monster of a card you're not gonna get much benefit from an extra 10 fps with the DDR5 ram or whatever it is that's pretty expensive that's like $ 600 on its own 🤣 or more I wouldn't be surprised anyway
brownycatOP10mo ago
wat funny?
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
you said you have a budget of 600 USD that CPU alone will wipe it out
brownycatOP10mo ago
:/ me make my budget high
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
also those only have 16 cores
brownycatOP10mo ago
me tell my grandpa to help me :>
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
yeah an i7 costs around 300 bucks
brownycatOP10mo ago
but is good for then my old i5 9th
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
a 3060 is also around 300 bucks you'll be able to get the CPU, the GPU and nothing more for around 600 and then you'll STILL be lacking performance to actually get stutter free gameplay
brownycatOP10mo ago
dude check on yt rtx 3060 with i7 13th gen best combo for fps and render vids i use 32 ddr5 ram 32 gb
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
you won't be using that much for Dh and shaders in fact, if you assign 32 gigabytes of ram to Minecraft, you'll get WAY more stuttering because the garbage collector will freak out 6 gigabytes of ram for DH and that's it before you get issues
brownycatOP10mo ago
hahaha look in YT GTX 1060 able to use dh + shader with 0 lag or i buy rtx not gtx
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
yeah show me the video that's likely with: A. All the chunks pregenerated and Distant Horizons' distant generator off and also tanked graphics quality I have a GTX 1660 and it can't even manage over 9 fps
brownycatOP10mo ago
look i ask this all pc build pro ppls they have and use this already they tell me if i buy rtx 3060 so i must buy i7 13th -14th before i order i5 9th but i cancel it or order i7 13
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
.... that aren't using distant horizons with shaders and have no idea what the implications of doing so are 🤣 they have no idea that assigning 32 gigabytes of ram will kill performance and I'll say it again, 10 fps from DDR5 ram will do nothing to make the video smoother in the end, it's overkill (not to mention DDR5 has problems since it's fairly new)
brownycatOP10mo ago
wat mean overkill how much ram u had
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
Dude, I have 6 gigabytes of ram allocated to DH and shaders and I have DDR3 or 4 I have 32 gigabytes and only 6 is even allowed to be used by the game you're going to be wasting money buying 32 gigabytes of DDR5 when it is the least important part of the set up
brownycatOP10mo ago
kii me buy 16gb 1 slot cuz i have already 8gb ddr4 but that motherboard rip with processor
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
that's probably all you'll need considering minecraft doesn't use more than 6 yeah, get a CPU that's better than the i5 but don't expect to have perfectly lagless performance, because even guys with the 4090 and i9 get slight stutters
brownycatOP10mo ago
idh money for 4090
brownycatOP10mo ago
me not belong from rich family i just manage save pocket money so i got 600 usd and my grandfather give me few more 100 usd 🥺 so i try to get best value of this money or get good pc for recording and play dh+iris
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
welp, good luck getting any sort of stable FPS for 700 bucks, I wish you luck in that endeavour
That Guy
That Guy10mo ago
no It really won't
brownycatOP10mo ago
tnku ki
Hems ♢
Hems ♢10mo ago
just buy a computer that manages to get 30-60 fps u don't have to buy a high end computer to get high performance in a block game with shaders minecraft itself is a mess and laggy
Duseral10mo ago
why are you saying two contradicting stuff "u dont need a high end computer" "is a mess and laggy"
Hems ♢
Hems ♢10mo ago
because even with a high end pc u would still lag in the game minecraft been getting heavier every new update
riley10mo ago
it's actually been getting significantly more performant recently it's almost playable without sodium / OF for the first time since 1.13
Hems ♢
Hems ♢10mo ago
well yeah but there's still some lag spikes that annoys me
IanPlayz10mo ago
Lag spikes can be mostly fixed by capping your fps
riley10mo ago
vsync is on by default for a reason, even though the vanilla implementation sucks
Hems ♢
Hems ♢10mo ago
my fps is always capped on 60 no matter what
riley10mo ago
mine at 150
brownycatOP10mo ago
my system is locked and i order 3060 12gb rtx but is 3 fan gpu ya i pay 30 usd for 1 more fan cuz is take contorl gpu temp i see many many yt vid about 2vs3 fans same gpu now pls someone tell me i have 850w gold cooler master smps so me buy this UPS or not : APC 1600VA Line Interactive UPS 1600 va battry / 900w output cuz my smps need 850 i mean idk how much need but max 850w so me buy good ups? cuz me live in village here sometimes light i mean electricity sometimes going so electricity problem me not want if suddenly electricity gone so my all pc rtx 3060 or havy items got bit get a shock ? pls help me if anyones know wat and which best ups for gamin pc please just help me in this last thing cuz my system i orderd or acer 180hz monitor :/ curved if anyones know about this tpic pls help us
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
if the power went out the PC would just shut down, nothing would happen
brownycatOP10mo ago
but ppl says if pc shutdown suddenly so slowly is damage ur motherboard or gpu every item slowly got problem or sometime rip many ppl say this
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
Yeah many do but when was the last time someone actually had that happen? 🤣 I've crash shut down computers thousands of times over the last 15 years, they never were damaged
brownycatOP10mo ago
meeee i not need to buy new pc but my old pc motherboard gigabyte b360 and i5 9th gen got shoked and rip so me scared 😦 idk why but me sacred cuz i not want this type problem even me not able to buy again new pc i mean next time can u tell me wat i do? me live in village here many time light off
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
brownycatOP10mo ago
or in night time voltage goin high
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
get a surge protector
brownycatOP10mo ago
or sometimes low voltage send me amazone link that u had if in budget me buy it
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
I don't have one, but I know they're good for protection against inconsistent voltage they're not expensive either from what I remember
brownycatOP10mo ago
wat u use for protect gpu cpu
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
I have a laptop with a battery so even if voltage spikes or the power dies the computer is fine I don't protect my equipment because I just don't care enough
brownycatOP10mo ago
bruh laptop or pc hhave much deffrance
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
yeah of course I've had a PC, and when the power goes out, it goes out with it 🤣 nothing's ever happened to it though
brownycatOP10mo ago
f idk why many ppl tell me to buy ups another my pc rip soon
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
Surge protector should help, OR, you could see if you can get a battery bank of some sort that will give you like 3 minutes of power if the power goes out, just enough time for you to shut down the machine before it runs out of gas
brownycatOP10mo ago
battry only for laptop pc me talk about pc
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
yeah I know external battery
brownycatOP10mo ago
also me btw upgrade my gpu plane now me think about 3 fans rtx 3060 battry for pc ?
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
you basically run power into the batter and then out of the battery you take power for the computer. If the power dies, the battery has just enough power for you to shut down the computer normally (closing and saving everything) before that battery also runs out of power. yeah that's what I'm thinking if something like that exists o.O
brownycatOP10mo ago
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
I don't know if something like that exists
brownycatOP10mo ago
many dealer tell me ups even not handle havy gamin pc so idk about battry
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
yeah I don't know
brownycatOP10mo ago
me buy 3 fan rtx3060 12gb or 2 fan? just deffrance is 4-8 fps or 10f temp
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
yeah not really that big of a difference
brownycatOP10mo ago
just 40 usd for buy 3 fan
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
the three fan might just be a good idea just in case though
brownycatOP10mo ago
3 fan gpu got 1 more heatsink i mean in 2 fan 2 alluminum heat pipe or in 3 = 3 heatsink so more 40 doller for 1 fan or 1 heatsink
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
Yup, better cooling = longer gpu lifespan however how hard will you be running this anyway, that's a good question to ask yourself, you might not need stellar cooling for the GPU
brownycatOP10mo ago
so me pay i mean buy 3 fan?
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
Are you going to be running your GPU hot?
brownycatOP10mo ago
me use 2 -3 h for rtx mc game with distance horizone and iris shader or i need more 1-2 hour for editing or ya listen song movies +1h me dialy use is 4-5h only sometime 6h max is 6h me not use more then 6 can u check 3 fan gpu rtx 3060 how much volt need cuz in amazon says 3500 vlot need ;/ my smps is 850w in 2 fan says 550v my last 2 thin problem is i buy 3 fan gpu or 2 and 2nd is I buy ups or not if buy so which ups good for gamin pc 🥺
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
I do that on my laptop without overheating and it has two fans so I think 2 fans will suffice
brownycatOP10mo ago
ki but laptop not able to use 100% gpu so how gpu heat only pc even like 13-14 gen able to use 100% gpu u cant get freedom in laptop if any upgread u need u need to buy new one no changes in lap me right?
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
yes it is mine does all the time and my GPU heats up to around 80 degrees celsius the whole time
brownycatOP10mo ago
ahm 80 💀
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
and yeah that's correct average operating temps for an Nvidia gpu
brownycatOP10mo ago
my old gpu 2gb nvdia goin 97 degree heat ;/ so this time me buy 3060 so try to solve this
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
bad cooling apparently
brownycatOP10mo ago
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
the 3060 in general I think is fitted better for cooling
brownycatOP10mo ago
in 3 fan yes in 2 fan nop me see many vids on yt 2 fan goin 75-85 in 3 fan 60-70 more heat take u gpu life
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
yeah that's normal operating temps this will just let you get a quieter running PC I guess
brownycatOP10mo ago
ahmm i just pay 40 usd i dont mind but last thing is i buy UPS or not ;/ last thing last one
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
yeah the shipping I can't advise you on but it's not gonna be cheap for a big old PC most likely
brownycatOP10mo ago
me buy this monitor is good? "Acer ED270R S3 27 Inch (68.58 Cm) Full HD 1500 R Curved Gaming LCD Monitor with LED Back Light I 1MS VRB, 180Hz Refresh Rate I AMD Freesync Premium I 2 x HDMI 1 x Display Port I HDR 10 I Black
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
Yeah it's probably fine
brownycatOP10mo ago
ya 100-200 usd for gamin pc me need 1000w battry and 900v output for give smps 850v
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
there's not really much to think about with monitors, you want generally a 60 hz refresh rate or higher but 60 hz minimum
brownycatOP10mo ago
1 min backup maybe 30sec i just need to shutdown time if light goin
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
I only suggested that battery because something like that might work but I don't have any idea if something like that even exists so you need to do the research on that
brownycatOP10mo ago
in rtx 3060 requeimnet says upto 144hz
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
I have no idea
brownycatOP10mo ago
me not use curved so my 1st time
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
you don't need more than that anyway, you won't see a difference between 100 fps and 144 fps curved is really only useful for huge monitors
brownycatOP10mo ago
27ich? my old lg monitor is 14ich ';/
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
yeah my laptop has a 14 inch 27 is pretty big
brownycatOP10mo ago
ahmm les see my old monitor is 15 years ago me buy LG but still work idk about acer anything so np
Piotr Barcz
Piotr Barcz10mo ago
acer's good stuff
brownycatOP10mo ago
kii i hope ki np me talk to dealer about ups thx for help me btw

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