armour reflections no longer work not sure why, also emissive entity no longer works.

my reflective armour worked fine till i updated to 1.21.4 now they dont
51 Replies
Slooshieβ€’3mo ago
What shaderpack are you using? Do you have LabPBR enabled in the shader settings? It may be called advanced materials in some shaders like BSL
π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
Didn't you ever suspect it was Iris's problem? Iris for 1.21.4 has a bunch of texture issue's like Normal Map got a wired "smooth" filter, Entity's Parallax broken, PBR textures of all entities are not working.
Slooshieβ€’3mo ago
that's the point of asking questions, to get more information to assess what the issue is
π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
But Iris on 1.21.4 is broken That is "known"
Slooshieβ€’3mo ago
I realize I didn't get to the point of what I meant by saying that what I was trying to say is don't say "did you ever suspect it was Iris's problem?" that sounds condescending at least from my point of view
π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
In my opinion, there's a lot of issue feedback talking about how iris 1.21.4 broke some feathers and functions And you didn't think about it even the LZ said he's on 1.21.4
Slooshieβ€’3mo ago
can I ask how you know I didn't think about it?
π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
You ask for shaders , textures something AND Iris's entity pbr is broken That is known issue You asked a dummy question
Slooshieβ€’3mo ago
dude what I asked because it's a common mistake to not enable LabPBR in shader settings
Slooshieβ€’3mo ago
I was trying to get information to assess the issue
π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
Iris's entity pbr function is not working So
Slooshieβ€’3mo ago
I'm aware of that now
π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
Whatever you enable the PBR support It's not working
Slooshieβ€’3mo ago
you act like I'm supposed to know every bug iris has or something. With my limited knowledge I was just trying to help.
Slooshieβ€’3mo ago
π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
Because this is the place called "iris-issue" You should check others feedback At least in my opinion I should do it like this
Slooshieβ€’3mo ago
my guy I'm just a normal dude trying to help.
π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
Sorry for be mad I realized I kind of took my frustration out on you Really sorry Because this bug has been around for a long time, and Iris devs posting "We made some new features" .
Slooshieβ€’3mo ago
hmm is IMS even aware of the PBR issues?
π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
He knows He pushed a "entity pbr fix" commit But is not working properly This is "entity pbr fix" looks like. Entities with PBR maps render normally, but entities without PBR maps all have problems Optifine fixed this in its second release on 1.21.4 in two days after 1.21.4 releases
Slooshieβ€’3mo ago
I see. Hopefully it gets fixed soon then. IMS is pretty invested with Aperture right now though I do understand the frustration of long-standing bugs. The DH water issue has still not been fixed on sodium's end yet
π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
What really annoys me is Iris's attitude right now. They claimed three years ago to be "fully compatible with Optifine shaders." And now they focus on "new features" instead of make current functions running perfectly.
IMSβ€’3mo ago
hi it me
Slooshieβ€’3mo ago
imo I prefer new features over parity with really old packs it him
IMSβ€’3mo ago
1: I believe I've fixed this with 1.8.5, which I'm about to release let me get a build 2: I will never intend to have "full compatibility" with Optifine, because that means intentionally butchering functionality so 10 year old stuff works we're not Microsoft
Slooshieβ€’3mo ago
any news about the opaque water issue with DH? Don't know how much direct involvement you have with sodium these days
IMSβ€’3mo ago
some of it was fixed I don't know the cause of the other bug here's a build
π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
bruh I remember there was "optifine compatible" something on ur website three years ago, may my memory make mistakes.
IMSβ€’3mo ago
it is Optifine compatible mostly just not "Optifine replicating" for example, there was a quirk with render distance that Iris replicated for many years, and this year it was removed by a vote from shader devs even though it broke a feature in Sildur's compatibility ends when it starts hindering forward development
π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
Okay I see.... Sorry for my madness statements And bother you whatever what the time it is in your city.
IMSβ€’3mo ago
it's fine, I just woke up
π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
But thank you for let me know this
IMSβ€’3mo ago
anyway check if the entity PBR's fixed in the link I sent
π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
I can't use my pc,but my friend can help to test.
RecRivenVIβ€’3mo ago
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π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
Looks it's still not working
RecRivenVIβ€’3mo ago
i'm his friend, i tried the new build but it seems that entity pbr still not working, using complementary reimagined and SPBR 16_1
RecRivenVIβ€’3mo ago
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IMSβ€’3mo ago
I’ll take another look I know it worked on Patrix…
π™Žπ™π™ͺπ™‘π™ π™šπ™§
In #5504 Entity pbr does working But entities which have no pbr textures is broken.
IMSβ€’3mo ago
fixed I was missing a single line @RecRivenVI
IMSβ€’3mo ago
can you try this
RecRivenVIβ€’3mo ago
RecRivenVIβ€’3mo ago
this build seems fixed that
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VonDoomCraftOPβ€’3mo ago
thanks ill check it out.. and yes i do have advanced materials on labpbr. im using bsl shader also seems to be good with that fix thanks

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