Possible Texture Atlas Flickering Issue
For a few weeks now I have tried and failed to find the cause of a peculiar issue with shaders, strange groups of mods, and utterly random blocks. This group of mods causes blocks like stone to flicker at its edges when the camera moves, as if the model has a gap in it. I have tested with Complementary V4, Complementary Reimagined, and BSL, all have the same problem. The mods I'm using (Fabric 0.14.19 on 1.19.2):
Bclib-2.1.6, BetterEnd-2.1.4, Charm-4.4.4, Continuity-2.0.2, Ecologics-2.1.11, Fabric API-0.76.0+1.19.2, From The Fog-1.8.1, Immersive Weathering-1.19.2-1.2.9, Indium-1.0.9, LambdaBetterGrass-1.3.0+1.19, Moonlight-1.19.2-2.2.31[Library for Immersive Weathering], WilderWild-2.0.
Iris 1.6.2 and Sodium 0.4.4
Removing any of these mods can cause the affected blocks to inexplicably change. The full mod list causes at least Stone and Moss to flicker, removing a mod can cause anything from Andesite and Calcite to Grass Blocks and Sand to flicker. I asked on the Complementary Discord but no solution they provided worked. The only thing I can think of that could possibly cause this is maybe a glitch with Sodium, Indium, Continuity or LambdaBetterGrass. This is the farthest I could investigate with a glitch as erratic as this one.
Sorry for the long report, I hope I explained everything in detail. I also have a recording of this issue occurring (recording uses Comp V4 with Compatibility Mode on and Anti-Aliasing off to better show the issue):

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After some more testing, I've discovered that--not only some blocks flicker without shaders--but that they flicker without any mods loaded, not even Fabric API. Some mods/shaders just make this more visible and/or change which blocks are affected.
This is either the fault of Nvidia, Fabric itself, or Minecraft? I've already tried updating drivers and restoring default settings in Nvidia Control Panel, but it doesn't affect anything. Is there anything I missed? I really want to fix this pain once and for all.
After even more testing, it still flickers in vanilla Minecraft...
After many more days of trying to fix this in vain, here's what I know about this issue: The vanilla bug appears to be https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-175333 and also seems to happen on AMD GPUs. Shaders make the holes in blocks more visible. The block flicker is primarily affected by content mods and resource packs, which makes me think it might have something to do with the texture atlas. And the fabric mod "Model Gap Fix" does not help and sometimes even makes it worse.
So far I have tried: Resetting Nvidia Control Panel settings, turning Anisotropic filtering and Anti-aliasing off, updating graphics drivers, changing mipmap levels, changing Minecraft version, changing Java executable version, doing OS updates (using Windows 10) and doing a clean uninstall/reinstall of Minecraft and the default/legacy launcher, nothing fixed it. If I can't fix or mitigate this issue then I might not be able to play Minecraft on this PC at all anymore.
u mean like that white pixel?

can u send the seed for the world where u saw it happening?
so i can try to replicate from the exact location
Seed is -863979546414921381, coordinates -15 78 73
also what fov?
hm have you tried "Display Driver Uninstaller"?
No, but I have tried multiple clean installations of different driver versions
Well using display driver uninstaller (DDU) to fully uninstall could help
I'll try that then
Did it do anything?
Haven't downloaded it yet, I'll try it later
u could also use HWInfo64 to check VRAM and GPU temps
maybe one of those is overheating or somethin idk
why do they need to remove the display drivers
cuz id assume its a driver related issue
I did a full uninstall with DDU and clean reinstall with Nvidia, it still glitches. :waaaaaa:
I am convinced now that this is a vanilla issue. Hopefully this can be fixed by Sodium or Iris eventually.
I'll just quit Minecraft for now, I'm done chasing graphical bugs for a month straight. If anyone else has been able to fix this flicker I would very much like to know how you did it.
it could also be the gpu not being healthy i think
It is almost 3 years old now, but it runs other games and programs fine.
If no one else has this sort of flicker issue than I guess Minecraft is just cursed for me and I can't play it anymore.
I mean does the bug really bother you that much?
i wasn't able to recreate it on my end tho
I sadly can't look at stone or moss in the dark without seeing it, and I can't look at Netherrack anywhere without seeing a glitchy sparkle-show. I might be able to minimize it by lowering my display resolution, but otherwise this bug has ruined my motivation to play Minecraft.
If it's just me with this issue than it's probably a very deep-rooted cause. I might just need a new GPU to fix this... :waaaaaa:
Could try reinstalling java I guess?
Get it from adoptium
I have already tried Adoptium and Zulu as well as reinstalling and updating them.
Hi, I'm back with this issue again. I am convinced at this point that whatever causes this has something to do with the texture atlas. For example, if I load just Iris 1.6.3 and Sodium 4.10, nothing seems to be wrong. But, if I load a resource pack containing random mod textures, random blocks flicker. There aren't even any textures in the minecraft namespace (no vanilla textures replaced), yet it still causes flickering. I don't even have the mods themselves installed, only their textures are loaded. If I then remove the resource pack the flicker remains somehow until I start a new session. I don't know if this is the texture atlas becoming too big for consistent rendering (if that's even possible), or if it's texture generation is bugged by something.
Here's a log. The block atlas goes from 1024x512x4 to 2048x1024x4 when I load the mod textures.
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