Entities Dissapearing

All entities disappear when getting closer to them. Not sure what could be causing the issue.
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10 Replies
hardester4d ago
Does disabling shaders make them appear again? :Render_Thinking:
KBANE4d ago
Completely disabling shaders does make them return. every shader ive used so far has caused them to dissapear Shaders I've used are BSL, Complementary Reimagined, and SEUS. All cause mobs to disappear.
hardester4d ago
Possible to take a screenshot with the F3 menu and shaders enabled?
KBANE4d ago
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hardester4d ago
:hmmmm: This F3 menu info doesn't make any sense. How come the game reported it's running vanilla but you clearly have Sodium and Iris installed and running?
KBANE4d ago
now that is peculiar ima go look in my mods folder and see if something is messing with it
hardester4d ago
What launcher are you using? Usually, something like this is caused by the launcher itself tampering with the game sources.
KBANE4d ago
Launching through Minecraft's official launcher. Using Fabric 1.21.
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KBANE4d ago
I think i might have managed to fix it. Had some random mod from sneak into the mod folder for a modded server. Feed the beast or something like that
hardester4d ago
Interesting finding.