I'm having low gpu usage problem. Any fix there?

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55 Replies
MotMometOP5mo ago
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MotMometOP5mo ago
sodium 0.5.8 iris 1.7.0 distant horizons 2.1.0 bliss shaders 1.20.1 im getting around %50 usage on gpu %20 on cpu gpu rtx 4060 cpu i7 12700H
MotMometOP5mo ago
i literally bought new laptop to have better fps, now this 😅
hardester5mo ago
Hello there @MotMomet, I have tried replicating your low GPU usage issue with only Iris and Sodium, but to no avail. Can you share a screenshot showing your F3 menu in-game?
MotMometOP5mo ago
sure here.
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MotMometOP5mo ago
btw i updated my mods to latest versions iris, sodium, indium and distant horizons
hardester5mo ago
GPU usage as reported by Minecraft is nearing maximum utilization. Can you confirm it again via Task Manager?
MotMometOP5mo ago
ok here.
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MotMometOP5mo ago
btw in high end games my temp getting around 75 degrees and my gpu watt usage around 120 in mc i get 50 degrees and 50 watt aswell
hardester5mo ago
:Render_Thinking: @IMS is the GPU usage indicator in Minecraft trustworthy, or there's something else at play here?
MotMometOP5mo ago
also my laptop doesn't even make plane noises like other games, when im running minecraft haha idk why
Slooshie5mo ago
This is expected Task manager reports usage of all cores including RT accelerator cores while Minecraft reports usage of only rasterization cores OpenGL cannot make use of RT cores For this reason the F3 menu is more reliable Your fps is about what I’d expect also
MotMometOP5mo ago
but my pc just doesn heat up at all as normal its running like office mode normally the fans should go woooo
Slooshie5mo ago
With other games, right?
MotMometOP5mo ago
Slooshie5mo ago
Minecraft can’t use RT cores so your GPU isn’t actually working as hard The other games you’re thinking of likely do
MotMometOP5mo ago
but like 50 degrees is okay? it is normally 75 around because and the watt usage its 50 normally 130, i feel like the game not using the gpu at all idk much but i just feel like
John5mo ago
Doesn't matter my 4070 Super also doesn't have its RT cores used and yet it draws the full up to 242W under load If anything I would blame this one on how the laptop may be running in a more power throttled mode given that this is a mobile 4060 and not the desktop version Does this happen when plugged into the charger as well? Having scrolled up to read the previous messages, yes, from my personal experience the in-game indicator is very much accurate You could also run HWiNFO for an in-depth view on things
MotMometOP5mo ago
yes it also spikes up sometimes like when i go different ares my fps goes to 30-40 then it back to normal like 70-80 fps but in that time GPU usage and watt also spikes up to like %75 and 90 watt ill try that later thanks
John5mo ago
mine as reference
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MotMometOP5mo ago
i might should deactivate the optimization mods first to see if the problem is mods or pc
John5mo ago
important to add is also that the load itself can matter resizing my game window to be even smaller than 1080p windowed (normally running 1440p fullscreen/borderless) can end up not quite reaching the power limit as it very well becomes a cpu bound scenario instead
MotMometOP5mo ago
without some optimization mods
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MotMometOP5mo ago
with some optimization mods
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MotMometOP5mo ago
these are without physics mod ↑
MotMometOP5mo ago
and this with physics mod + optimization mods
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MotMometOP5mo ago
so the problem is physics mod? i managed to get %96 usage with pyhsics mod less fps less gpu usage i get the less fps but why less gpu usage 😅
Slooshie5mo ago
Physics mod is heavy on the CPU So the drop in GPU usage is most likely because of your CPU bottlenecking your GPU from the increased demand
MotMometOP5mo ago
but cpu usage also %10?
Slooshie5mo ago
Minecraft is primarily single-threaded You will usually only see close to 100% usage with Distant Horizons and the CPU load set to the max
John5mo ago
look at the individual core usage with HWiNFO
MotMometOP5mo ago
hmm btw in the physics mod setting there is an option something like that. So how this bottlenecking happens? never had that before
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MotMometOP5mo ago
is msi afterburner works?
John5mo ago
bottlenecks are a misused term but you aren't too far off
Slooshie5mo ago
That’s how many threads are dedicated to physics mod calculations afaik
John5mo ago
RTSS might be able to provide the info
Slooshie5mo ago
Best to keep it at default
MotMometOP5mo ago
is this what u want me to do?
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{TR}mitat525mo ago
oh my türk guy, you bought for minecraft or its regular change? looks rt cores are important for some games like minecraft
Slooshie5mo ago
looks rt cores are important for some games like minecraft
the opposite, as I explained above OpenGL, the rendering API Minecraft runs on, cannot utilize RT cores at all so ray tracing is done on rasterization cores
{TR}mitat525mo ago
😅ty for warningy explain! i contuining learning these things, i hope contunie to getting these well explains👍
MotMometOP5mo ago
Heavily Minecraft for now xd and I thought laptop will be good choice to buy for future education on university
{TR}mitat525mo ago
oh i see but looks youre corrupted unfortunately so laptop being more comfortable its right but screen cards are being different on laptops with same name (nvidia screen cards are better with "ti" and 4000 series for minecraft if learned right) also youre planning a computer based university section?
MotMometOP5mo ago
I know that's why I choose high watt usage at least and they are pretty expensive so u don't have much options to choose. But it gives good performance on high end games so I'm glad. And yeah I'm planning to study computer engineering
{TR}mitat525mo ago
@MotMomet yes the watt thing, i have 3070ti on laptop and minecraft runs well also i using nvidium mod which is doing something so cool so maybe can fix or help to your problem, wanna compare fps's? : ) also computer engineering is cool! inşallah you will do well : )
MotMometOP5mo ago
it turns out the problem was the physics mod, when I disabled the mod it uses %100 of gpu and thanks :)
{TR}mitat525mo ago
np : ) maybe pyhsics mod is using computer parts with like of %20 - %25 or just computer cant handle it so thats why i wanted to compare our fps. also i recommend nvidium mod if u not using
MotMometOP5mo ago
Probably something is just incompatible with it if u read above physics mod also not using anything on the computer so I'll just wait my mods to update to 1.21 so it can be more stable to use it. About nvidium if u use shaders u can't use nvidium and it's incompatible with new sodium version or something I don't remember right now
{TR}mitat525mo ago
yeah being stable is just more good if version not problem for you 👍 the incompatible subject yeah should control it its can do some problems like youre expriencing rn also yes nvidium not works with shaders so just wanted to say. good bye! i would be happy to talk at here more with you : )
MotMometOP5mo ago
Yeah thanks for informing me. Same! If u want to we can play Minecraft together btw I have chill Minecraft world that I play with my friends so if u wanna look around let me know :)
{TR}mitat525mo ago
thats nice : ) i would accept! im gonna write at my free time at direct message (dm) so please accept my friend request!
MotMometOP5mo ago
Okis! I'll be waiting for.
IMS4mo ago
for the record, this is wrong Minecraft's "GPU utilization" number is laughably bad this.gpuUtilization = (double)this.currentFrameProfile.get() * 100.0 / (double)this.savedCpuDuration; basically the time the frame took, divided by the time the CPU took on that frame with the assumption that any time not spent by the CPU is GPU time, which is very often wrong
Slooshie4mo ago

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