Almost always getting a black screen when switching worlds or shaders

Using Fabric 0.16.9 on Minecraft 1.20.1, whenever I load in, there's maybe a 50% chance I'm loading into a black screen. Whenever I switch shaders, it's definitely going to go to a black screen. If I switch to the nether or end, I always get a black screen. Using DH but tested without it and it didn't have any noticeable effect on the issues. There would also be other rendering errors that simply confuse me, those are attached. Both using Bliss commit #482, unsure if that's relevant. Other issues happen indiscriminate to what shader is applied. -Computer Specs- RTX 4080 For a full computer spec issues AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor @ 4.50 GHz 32.0 GB Ram 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor For a full mod list:
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It was palladium!
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13 Replies
John3mo ago
Mind providing a latest.log uploaded to and can this be replaced with other shaders like Complementary 5.3 (Reimagined or Unbound doesn't matter)? Also best you test this in a barebones standalone instance with only Sodium and Iris present rather than have a potential mod conflict based on the list you provided - Paste, share & analyse your Minecraft logs
Easily paste your Minecraft logs to share and analyse them.
John3mo ago
mods by the likes of starlight tend to screw things up quite a lot
fiOP3mo ago
ah i do have starlight
John3mo ago
either way test with only sodium and iris first to rule everything out
fiOP3mo ago
got it! also yes, it can
John3mo ago
at the end of the day your best bet will likely be a binary search if it's gone this way
fiOP3mo ago
what's a binary search?
LilyBot3mo ago
What is The Thanos Method? The Thanos Method™️ (more accurately known as a binary search) is a debugging technique used to find the mod or mods that are causing the issues you are experiencing. The method is simple: to find the conflicting mods, split your mods folder into 2 groups. Remove one group, and test in-game. Keep the group that has the problem, and repeat until no more mods can be removed without the issue disappearing. Thanks to The Thanos Method™️, you can now enjoy an issue free modded Minecraft! "The Thanos Method" is not actually trademarked or even remotely considered an official name. Please don't sue, it was just considered funny.
fiOP3mo ago
oh thats so cool i didnt know this method had a name
John3mo ago
This would be your next step assuming it functions perfectly using only what's required to get shaders going Yep. The thanos naming is more or less an established meme within this community
fiOP3mo ago
functioning as expected! I'll do a binary search then thanks for your help john :)
John3mo ago
You're welcome (: Once you found the culprit and resolved the issue in question, best to scroll back up to the original bot message and mark it as done
fi3mo ago
It was palladium!

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