Motion blur?

I haven’t played in awhile and I updated iris to the latest version but when I joined game my screen goes blurry but in and out. Kinda like motion blur. How might I fix this?
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10 Replies
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Deleted User16mo ago
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Deleted User16mo ago
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green51216mo ago
Can't tell what shader pack is in use, but check the pack settings for depth of field and try disabling it.
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Deleted User16mo ago
I will try thank you
Null16mo ago
Do you have any mods? Looks like one enabled linear filtering
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Deleted User16mo ago
No mods on It’s still blurry
The gay that has a blurry face
what shader are you using? have you tried turning Motion Blur and DOF (Depth Of Field) off in the shader settings?
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Deleted User16mo ago
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Deleted User16mo ago
Do I turn them off in shader pack settings?