sudden crashes while using shaders, is fine without
has anyone experienced this? any help would be appreciated, fyi the shaders im using is bliss with distant horizon
30 Replies
i think the crash happens when the game has to render more than 2 players ( me not included )
might want to attach the latest.log file too
provided you haven't tried to start the game again right after
the game runs fine if i turn off shaders
Yeah that's strange
send the latest.log though
it has all the errors in it usually
latest crash log?
no no the log file called latest.log
or just "latest" if you don't have file extensions showing
it's in the logs folder
cause the crash and then send that file because it'll have everything
Ok get rid of Chunky, it's useless
other than that I don't see any mods that I recall causing issues
Chunky, if you have it on ever, probably could cause a ram crash or something but I don't know
i usually use chunky on singleplayer
on pregen
but yeah i agree, its useless now since i have it on the dedicated server now
but i dont think that affects my crashing no?
for Distant Horizons?
Distant Horizons is faster at pregenerating
yes but im using chunky for the server
so the server wont struggle with everyone pregen-ing
and can use the pre gen from the server
Chunky lags servers usually
Distant Horizons can't even pregen on servers, it'll only load chunks you explore which only causes any sort of strain on your computer and not the server's
Crashing while rendering the player???
Anyways, what are your GPU's driver/software version at?
You can check them from the Nvidia Control Panel in your system tray for the Nvidia GPU, or the Adrenaline Software for the AMD Radeon GPU.
yes it does, thats why i pause chunky whenever we're playing and start it again when noone is on
latest i think
fyi all my friends also dced whenever we render each other
so whenever we were close to each other. we would dc each other
one would log in and one of the 2 players would dc
All of your friends using the same mods and version I assume?
correct, all of us also use the same shader, which is bliss
After thoroughly reading the logs, only thing I can think off is a compatibility issue triggered from mods that modifies the player.
There are 2 suspects that I can think off: Offline Skins and 3D Skin Layer, with higher likelihood on the latter. Try removing it first and check back.
what about the entity features and entitiy models thingy?
do i have to remove it client side, like all 3 of us?
Oh wait nio
not nio
Entity Model Features and the other one don't cause crashes
not in my experience anyway
i will try what u said and come back later!
It’s unrelated to all of this, it was a bug on my side
Update to Iris 1.7.3
ah alright, thank you!
i am sorry but this happens after i updated to 1.7.3, do you know anythingg?

Seasonal leaves perhaps? What shader pack you're using?
the different leaves are from terralith i believe, and im using bliss
its not the leaves, its the chunks i think
weird thing is, it started happening just now, it was normal
solved it by deleting the sql file and generating it all over again
Hello, I'm re-opening this post because I have the same error code as you and can't open a post myself 😦 Anyway, I'm on solo playing on 1.21.1 with iris and sodium. I'm using shaders and it make the game crash at any moment after not even a specific time of playing. I've upgraded everything and thought I could get the answer to my problem but as far as I know SQL is for the server and I can't get a solution of my problem on internet if someone could help me
I have a decent PC I'm on 100fps while playing before the crash with the shaders, not even one mod, with the base texture pack from the game. I'm using complementary shaders with all the version that goes with the actual minecarft version I'm using.