White glow when breaking (BLISS) shaders, & Dimensions not working

hello, i am alittle stuck with this bug, basically when i try break blocks using the bliss chocapic shaders every block shines bright white when i begin to break it after extensively looking in the settings and turning things off and on i still cant seem to fix this. when using the bliss shaders main this issue doesnt exist but upon entering another dimension the bliss shaders main turns off so i switch to chocapic as it allows shaders in other dimensions, are there fixes for both of my issues?
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11 Replies
hardester•7mo ago
How old is your Bliss shader version? :ioa:
WaxOP•7mo ago
i have the latest version of both chocapic and bliss which is august 4th 2023
hardester•7mo ago
2023? :ioa: If you meant 2024, then apparently Bliss hasn't fix this bug it seems.
WaxOP•7mo ago
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hardester•7mo ago
Oh of course... Click that green "Code" button you see above the file list, select Download ZIP (I think). The ones in Releases are the ones packaged by Xonk which, as you can see, last updated last year... The files that are listed in the file list are updated way more recently.
WaxOP•7mo ago
yes i have bliss main from the green code button, the issue i have with that shaders is that upon entering any dimension it turns off my shader pack while bliss from 2023 the chocapic version keeps the shaders on any ideas on this?
hardester•7mo ago
It's a known issue where block breaking animation for some reason glows. From your description, it appears it still hasn't been fixed. :ioa: You can ask Xonk for more details in #Bliss.
WaxOP•7mo ago
sad times 😦
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hardester•7mo ago
:thonkwithshades: That's arbitrary. Wait, forum posts are essentially the same as threads?
WaxOP•7mo ago
Not working when teleporting to a Multiverse world · Issue #275 · X...
Describe the bug Hello! I should start by saying that playing without these shaders are now a deal breaker for me 😄 but would like to work with Multiverse if possible. I have am running a server lo...
WaxOP•7mo ago
mr xonks's work around fix posted here in the comments RESOLVED ✅

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