Shaders won't load at all on 1.21.1 [Fabric 0.16.10, Iris 1.8.1+1.21.1]

I've tried a couple different shaders [Complementary Shaders - both versions & Mellow by TheCMK] with this modpack I made today but nothing seems to be working, wouldn't apply the shader both before and after installing a custom skybox so I ruled that out as a potential conflict This was the error it gave me, I'm not mod-savvy enough to know what it means so I'm sorry if it's an easy fix LMAO ⬇️ net.minecraft.class2973: Invalid shaders/core/basic.json: Non [a-z0-9/.-] character in path of location: minecraft:basic_tessControl.tcs
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I HAVE FOUND THE PROBLEM CHILD.... of all the mods i have installed it's ..... cat armor that breaks the shaders .....
OV's Legacy: Cat Armor - Minecraft Mod
Vanilla like armor for your loyal cat companions!
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30 Replies
hardester5d ago
Update your shader pack to v5.x, preferably the latest.
I’ll try that in the morning and report back [it’s almost 5:40 am for me lmao], thank you !! I uninstalled & reinstalled Iris and the shaders to the latest compatible version with 1.21.1 and got the same error code with both packs :[
hardester5d ago
In that case, can you send the game logs over?
LilyBot5d ago
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Please upload logs and crash reports to This makes it easier for us to read them, especially on mobile. It also censors any information that may be considered private, such as your Minecraft access token or computer username Logs always generate on game launch and can be found in the logs folder of your .minecraft directory. We are probably interested in the one named latest.log. Crash reports only generate when Minecraft crashes and can be found in the crash-reports folder of your .minecraft directory. We are probably interested in the most recently created one.
Tag requested by hardester
Sent ! Should be near the bottom when I load in the game, the shaders automatically try to load then disable
hardester5d ago
:yes: Have you copied the link?
I have the link, should i send it here?
hardester5d ago
the amount of other unrelated errors is diabolical lmao
hardester5d ago
Investigating now. Be back once I found something.
Thank you so much 😭🙏 I appreciate it !
hardester5d ago
:thonkwithshades: Line 477 is the key here. Somehow, the shader pack failed to load because a macro to check for the pale garden biome is considered unknown. @IMS any input for this one? Actually, this may be a shaders bug. I'm going to inform Emin, the shader pack dev, regarding this. Okay so, here's something you can try. Try downgrading your shader pack to the version v5.3 or earlier.
:catsalute: aye aye will do
what about the Mellow shader failure?
I’m trying with downgraded Mellow and Complementary Reimagined to test it out got the same error again in game with both packs, net.minecraft.class2973: Invalid shaders/core/basic.json: Non [a-z0-9/.-] character in path of location: minecraft:basic_tessControl.tcs the log seems to be the same this time around too, same pale garden problem 1.21.1 didn't have pale gardens introduced yet did it? just trial chambers until 1.21.2's experimental toggle?
hardester5d ago
Time to go for an even older version. v5.2 perhaps.
Slooshie5d ago
this definitely isn't a Complementary issue
I’ll try that, do you think Biomes O’ Plenty might be messing with it somehow since it’s a biome based mod? That’s the only thing i could think of otherwise
Slooshie5d ago
while we wait for IMS, can you try removing all mods besides sodium and iris to see if the issue persists?
same thing happened again LOL I’ll try that
Slooshie5d ago
(should probably make a new world as to not mess up an existing one when removing mods)
Yeah that’s what I was thinking Ok by themselves [latest 1.21.1 updates] with only sodium and iris the shaders are working just fine might be a mod conflict then perhaps ? The log that time has the same pale garden warning though, i can send the whole log if it’d help Seems like it’s mad at Something here
log for this one
Fabric 1.21.1 Server Log [#HqhgdEv]
272 lines | 1 error
Slooshie5d ago
in that case it is a mod conflict and the best way to find out which mod is causing problems is with a binary search/thanos method
LilyBot5d ago
What is The Thanos Method? The Thanos Method™️ (more accurately known as a binary search) is a debugging technique used to find the mod or mods that are causing the issues you are experiencing. The method is simple: to find the conflicting mods, split your mods folder into 2 groups. Remove one group, and test in-game. Keep the group that has the problem, and repeat until no more mods can be removed without the issue disappearing. Thanks to The Thanos Method™️, you can now enjoy an issue free modded Minecraft! "The Thanos Method" is not actually trademarked or even remotely considered an official name. Please don't sue, it was just considered funny.
i'll start weeding out the problem child LOL thanks a ton for the help ! i'll get back to this when i find out what's breaking it
I HAVE FOUND THE PROBLEM CHILD.... of all the mods i have installed it's ..... cat armor that breaks the shaders .....
OV's Legacy: Cat Armor - Minecraft Mod
Vanilla like armor for your loyal cat companions!
all the resource packs were fine too it's JUST this mod uninstalled that and all is well, i'm marking this as solved now LMAO thanks for the help everyone !
Slooshie5d ago
interesting thanks for the report

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