Game not launching with iris 1.8.5 and sodium 6.6.0 (1.21.4) lithium is also not working but i care more about iris working
Fabric 1.21.4 Server Log [#Ti9mZOW]
225 lines | 2 errors
i found it! it was ticktweaks that was causing the problem, clean f3 / midnight lib also was causing a problem but it works fine now without those 3!
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9 Replies
Slooshie4w ago
this is caused by essential we don't recommend anyone use essential anyway. It's buggy and kind of scummy
oDiamondzOP4w ago
nope, still does not launch with essental disabled
Slooshie4w ago
send the new crash report the other thing mentioned in the previous log is a mixin preparation fail from modernfix
Slooshie3w ago
I can't tell which mod is conflicting with iris. I recommend doing a binary search to find out
LilyBot3w ago
What is The Thanos Method? The Thanos Method™️ (more accurately known as a binary search) is a debugging technique used to find the mod or mods that are causing the issues you are experiencing. The method is simple: to find the conflicting mods, split your mods folder into 2 groups. Remove one group, and test in-game. Keep the group that has the problem, and repeat until no more mods can be removed without the issue disappearing. Thanks to The Thanos Method™️, you can now enjoy an issue free modded Minecraft! "The Thanos Method" is not actually trademarked or even remotely considered an official name. Please don't sue, it was just considered funny.
oDiamondz3w ago
i found it! it was ticktweaks that was causing the problem, clean f3 / midnight lib also was causing a problem but it works fine now without those 3!
oDiamondzOP3w ago
never mind it now crashes when i click singleplayer
oDiamondzOP3w ago
ok never mind agian it does work, fastquit was also a problem

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