The game crashed whilst initializing gameError: java.lang.RuntimeException

I am getting the Error: "The game crashed whilst initializing game Error: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError" If I have the Archer RPG mod installed it adds: "Could not execute entrypoint stage 'client' due to errors, provided by 'archers'!" I had everything working and was playing for a few days, was trying to figure out what was causing BluesBetterZombies resourcepack to not work. I was pulling groups of mods out to check and eventually I went through everything but Iris. I was going to just play without the resourcepack. However when I put Iris back into the mod folder I started getting the above error. I've gone through my mods file multiple times now trying to figure out if it's a specific mod causing issues and I've had everything working in groups, but for some reason once I put all the mods in together, it cause the crash. I have just updated to the new version adding the Fabric API 92, but I tried using the old files and am now getting the same issue so it does not seem to be the update... I'm just lost at this point as it doesn't seem to be any one specific file thats actually causing the problem. Playing on version 1.20.1
6 Replies
MrSpiOP12mo ago
hardester12mo ago
Seems like Archer mod is not compatible with Iris 1.7 beta. Because it's still in beta, issues like mod compatibility will arise. Your only option is to drop getting Distant Horizons beta working with your modpack for the time being.
MrSpiOP12mo ago
I've tried pulling the Archer mod and the error persists, it just removes the line regarding Archer. I've also had it running with the Archer mod, but when I add other mods it breaks again. The main problem is I can't pinpoint what is causing the problem because I've tried all kinds of veriations of what mods I am using. My best guess at the moment is that just having a certain number of mods might be a problem, but I'm not sure why the amount would cause an Issue and not a specific file.
MrSpiOP12mo ago
Crash report without Archer mod
hardester12mo ago
Okay there are now mentions of shouldersurfing in this log. Try removing this one next.
MrSpiOP12mo ago
So it works, and I can put Archers back in and it's fine. Archer and Shoulder Surfing work together without Iris, and I'm pretty sure I had Archer and Shoulder Surfing working at the same time before I updated the API. But I can play with shaders now, it pointing to Archer as the problem was throwing me off, Thanks so much for helping out! Edit to add that Shoulder Surfing just doesn't seem to work with Iris at all now Now im back to trying to get Blues Better zombies / skeletons ResourcePacks working with shaders. I'm pretty sure that because of how Iris renders entities is cause the more complex resource packs to break? are their setting in Iris to changes those setting or turn them off? the texture is just invisible when I try to use them. Or is that more of a bug report for the ResourcePack creator?

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