[solved: incompatibility with Fog Looks Good Now] Shaders shaking
hmmm how can I fix the skybox shaking when walking.
45 Replies
what shaders are these? And can you send your latest.log file from the logs folder?
insanity shaders
a new update of Insanity Shaders released a few days ago (v1.650). Can you try that version and report back?
tbh I tried asking everyone I knew to see if they had a similar issue, no I didn't not report that were do I report it, they don't seem to have a discord server. the thing is i tried this with forge and fabric they seem to work okay at first no weird shaking but as soon as I use my mods for the server this happens
I'm having a hard time understanding what you just said, but I just noticed you're using Oculus. This is the Iris server and we only provide support for the Iris mod
yeah I know It also happens with Iris
I tested both to see if this was the shader
have you tried this yet
yeah still happening
and you say this only happens when you add mods to your instance?
The Thanos Method
What is The Thanos Method?
- The Thanos Method (more accurately known as a binary split) is a debugging technique used to find the mod or mods that are causing the issues you are experiencing.
How does it work?
- The Thanos Method is simple. To find the conflicting mods, split your mods folder into 2 groups. Remove one group, and test in-game. Keep the group that has the problem, and repeat until no more mods can be removed without the issue disappearing. Thanks to The Thanos Method, you can now enjoy an issue free modded Minecraft!
I tried a clean install it works fine
but then it doesnt work when adding more mods
so do this to find which mod is causing the issue
nope I tested all mods that affect my client and none of them seem to cause it
it only seem to happend after a certain amount of mods is reached
that for some reason the skybox splits
I am quite certain that is not the explanation
no im not using any resource pack
it must be caused by one of your mods or a combination of mods
Shaders issue.
hmm 2 mods?
or more?
maybe I tested them separately
a binary split should help you find out what causes it
Holy damn, megabyte size log?
That's gonna take a while to load...
mmm delicious file not found log spam
Gonna have to generate a new log.

Also, I highly suspect it's shaders related issue instead of a mod issue, unless it doesn't happen if you only have Iris/Oculus and its dependencies.
the log spam is caused by Dayzombies-rebooted
that's exactly what they described above though
it only happens when they have some sort of mod combination
Insanity shaders they say? I can check the code to make sure.
I treid both only the iris and oculus with their loaders and it worked fine no wierd skybox shaking
Well nevermind then...
Since the log is too large for me to open, can I have a list of mods instead? I can try and deduce what's likely cause the sky bobbing.
Only thing I can think of is Better Third Person. That mod likely have influence in modifying the renderer's view matrix, so try and remove that and see if the problem goes away.
Oh found it "Betterfog"
I was thinking the same
That's... Interesting.
and then when I tried it didnt work.
OH, I think I understand how that's the cause of the issue.
ah yes
better fog
Basically, the fog is rendered in view space instead of world space, so it got influenced by the camera movement...
it's known to have issues with shaders, and shaders have their own fog anyway so it doesn't do anything outside of vanilla graphics
Now it makes sense.
Also this.
so does that mean that mod is cooked?
is called "fog looks good now" on the files

right that's the one