Installation issue
Followed the tutorial, yet when i clicked install, it is not installing. How can i get iris and sodium on my minecraft launcher

203 Replies
@chalky can you help
Any pop up errors?
zero everything
That probably means the installation is successful from the installer's view. Check if you have a new Minecraft profile in the Minecraft Launcher that's aptly named Fabric Profile.
I'll be our for a while as I need to evacuate from a nearby forest fire.
yeah I have had this problem as well all you need to do is just try downloading again and it should work
But I delete everything and tried to restart from fresh, it still won’t let me
I mean try and run the installer again and see if it works
Where to find the installer?
go to and click on universal jar and run the itme you download from there if you have mods click iris + fabric else clikc iris
Ok I will try
Let’s hope and pray
Also quick question what would my frames usually run at if I go with bliss and distant horizon
These the specs

dosen't show anything

@That Guy
Interesting, that last forward slash causes the page to fail.
Download Now - IrisShaders
The Iris Installer - Designed to streamline your Iris experience. Our handy Installer's not your style? Try the standalone version!
works but not download/
.not working for me 😛
now one problem it says im not running on supported version

That is expected
It’s telling you the version you are playing on is experimental, not heavily tested if at all, and issues are expected
but i can't see the distant horizon
Read the checklist in very carefully and come back
maybe beacuse im in a realm??
You need to explore the chunks yourself if you’re on a server or realm
thank you so much slooshie
is there a way make the frames go a little higher
im running at 100 frames
- Lower resolution
- Lower render distance
- Lower shader settings
- Less intensive shader
- Performance mods (there's also a section that talks about JVM arguments, which is pretty useful--you should use the Shenandoah GC)
- Allocate enough RAM to Minecraft so that it has enough to load the resources efficiently but not too much that the GC stutters (not a problem with the Shenandoah GC though). This is usually about 6 GB when using Distant Horizons on default settings
GitHub - TheUsefulLists/UsefulMods: Just a list of useful mods
Just a list of useful mods. Contribute to TheUsefulLists/UsefulMods development by creating an account on GitHub.
what do i do?
install the mods?
I'm just giving you a list of options
idk what to do
theres no youtube vid
what do you need a youtube video for
to install the stuff to make my DH run smoother
if you're talking about the performance mods I linked to, you install them just like any other mod
they go in the mods folder
how to install it

kinda confused where to click
scroll down to find the lists

is enhancing mods the best?
you're looking for the performance mods
oh whoops
i install the 1.20x?
and drag and drop in the mods folder?
the ones you want yes
is performance mod the only one? or other mods
they have other mod lists for different purposes in the link I sent
some useful ones like zoom, minimaps, etc.
im confused again

where to install it
mods folder
what button do i push to install the mod permoance
oh shoot wait, am i sped
assumning you have a fabric installation. If you have the iris profile then they can technically go in the iris-beta-reserved folder
is these each mods i install?
it's just a list of mods
ohhhh and i choose the one I want?
they each have links that take you to their mod pages
im actually sped
pay attention to which ones are labeled as incompatible with each other. Some may also be incompatible with Iris 1.7
what do u use?
a lot.

is ur frames doing good?
like how much
I haven't done any comparisons between my modpack and just sodium and iris, mainly because I also have some mods that cost performance and also I'm lazy :p
oh my god
theres like 100 mods
did u download like everything
what do u think is the most important ones
I'd say try them all (except for incompatible ones like Canvas) in small batches to make it easier to identify problems if you crash or run into issues
also more mods loaded will require more RAM allocation
oh really?
see here if you don't know how to change the ram allocation
im using the 4g rb
@Slooshie if i install nvidium
and put it into my mods folder
what happens?
does it just make my frames go higher?
if you have an nvidia graphics card it will drastically improve your fps, especially at large render distances, but it disables itself when shaders are enabled
oh i need shaders
my eye sneed to be cleaned
also make sure that if you're putting mods in the mods folder you have fabric loader installed. You can install it by selecting "iris + fabric" in the iris installer
for sure
i have it
@Slooshie whats ur shaders
r u using bliss?
cus whats ur settings
I use Complementary + Euphoria Patches but it performs worse than Bliss with DH. I don't use DH anyway
Wait what
U don’t use DH?
But dosent it make it look so beautiful
imo not really, and it tanks my fps
tell me how you did i still can't do anything ;c
what's the issue
i cant click the install button
try installing fabric separately and putting the mods in the mods folder
you can get the fabric installer here:
if you just want shaders, get sodium and iris from modrinth:
if you want the highly experimental DH support betas, you can get them from the zip in #dh-compatibility-faq
Sodium - Minecraft Mod
A modern rendering engine for Minecraft which greatly improves performance
Iris Shaders - Minecraft Mod
A modern shaders mod for Minecraft intended to be compatible with existing OptiFine shader packs
if your chat spams something about the distant generator, replace your DH with the one inside this zip file
when i open the file i have a message thats telling me : the app cant be open in your pc
What I did was delete everything
Reinstall Java
Then clicked the link hardester gave me
And downloaded it
Hope that works
Because I tried helping my friend but his didn’t work
am cursed bro i reinstalled java and nothing happened
do you have a screenshot of the error?

its french but u can translate it with google sorry bro
hmm that's weird. Can you try the "Download universal jar" button underneath the "Download for Windows" button?
or vice versa if you already did that

you definitely need a fresh Java install
might I recommend Azul Zulu
Azul | Better Java Performance, Superior Java Support
Azul Downloads
i reinstalled it 1min before
@Slooshie can u help me to install azul
it's the same as installing any other program on your PC
you download it and run the installer
where is the installer
wherever you download it to
probably the downloads folder
I personally use Java 17 as that is what Minecraft can run on (until 1.21 I think)

what i do now
open the file with azul ?
i cant see azul in the open with list
can you see if jarfix fixes that?
Jarfix fixes the jar file association on Windows
if not restarting your PC may work
same error message
one last thing to try
can you try running the Complementary Installer?
Complementary Shaders | Official Site
Shader pack for Minecraft with exceptional quality, detail and performance.
it works but now am stuck in the download part
what do you mean

goddamn your computer really doesn't like installers. At this point you might want to try Prism Launcher instead of the vanilla one
am cursed bro
that happened to my friend
idk how to fix it

but its too pretty
Can anyone help me downloading the packs
because I cant find it to work in feather
unlease there is a diffrent launcher for it
feather is unsupported and causes lots of issues
please use a normal fabric instance on a different launcher
but can u help me on modrith
I found out to install modrith
can't, already in one with my friend
what is the issue?
can you for like 5 mins
I just need help with getting reterraforged
and in 1,20,1
if it is in it
that's a separate thing involving compiling the mod yourself. It's not a released mod and this isn't the right server or forum to ask about it
@hardester how to change versions from 1.20.4 to 1.20.1
can u help me
the same way you installed 1.20.4
i tried that, and it wont work
like i tried to reinstall it for 1.20.1 but it wont install

@Slooshie i cliked install but it wont show it downloading
does it say completed
it wouldn't even let me install it
i have 1.20.4 already installed but not 1.20.1
try using the fabric installer instead
then get sodium, iris, and indium from modrinth and put them in your mods folder (take out your 1.20.4 mods as well)
@Slooshie in my %appdata% minecraft mods folder?\
then delete the 1.20.4 stuff?
yes, or move them to a different folder
ok i will try to do it
and get the latest DH 2.0.3-a-dev for 1.20.1 from
@Slooshie what are the mods i need to install?
would u maybe be able to send me the links? plz
sodium, iris, and indium from modrinth
and DH from this link
Sodium 0.5.8 - Sodium
Download Sodium mc1.20.1-0.5.8 on Modrinth. Supports 1.20.1 Fabric & Quilt. Published on Feb 1, 2024. 576478 downloads.
is it this one
ok gerat
and when i install it
then what
then this one
Iris 1.7.0 for Minecraft 1.20.1 - Iris Shaders
Download Iris Shaders 1.7.0+1.20.1 on Modrinth. Supports 1.20.1 Fabric & Quilt. Published on Apr 23, 2024. 10201 downloads.
Indium 1.0.30 for Minecraft 1.20.x/Sodium 0.5.8/Fabric API 0.89+ - ...
Download Indium 1.0.30+mc1.20.4 on Modrinth. Supports 1.20.1–1.20.4 Fabric & Quilt. Published on Feb 6, 2024. 809510 downloads.
then just launch the game
move it into the mods folder?

tells you what to do
it goes in the mods folder
it's not an executable
ok but when i go to the farbic installer
its not letting me install stuff
do you have a screenshot?

see if this link works
that goes directly to the download

i clicked
but it keeps on loading
your internet is probably blocking it then. Sorry, I can't help right now. Gotta go

@Slooshie rq plz
what are these mods
forgot. You need fabric api
whats that
a mod.
why so many pings btw
can u send it to me plz
@Slooshie my distant horizon is not working, i dont think the thing u sent me work
what's the issue
it dosen't show
what doesn't show

the distant mod itself
and the distances
out in the horizon
show your mods folder

ok sent
@Slooshie hello?
please be patient man.
this is not supposed to go in the mods folder

you need to extract it and take the mod out of it
oh im so sorry for being goofball
ill be more patient next time
um its not working slooshie
what does your mods folder look like now
oh wait
i forogt to turn off my minefat launder
it works now
thank you so much
you need to be promoted
quick question

it dosen't show anymore
what happened
i clicked disable on all the things and closed out, then it disappeared
You disabled the settings button
Delete the DistantHorizons.toml file in the config folder
whats whats that
or how to get ther
Distant Horizons has an option to disable the settings menu. Usually, you turn it off if you use ModMenu.
Quickest way to get it back is to delete the config file to reset the settings.
i did disable it, where to go to the distanthorizons.toml file thingy

im lost
i found it
@hardester quick question, does lunar clinet mod support this, or i need to play on fabric
so could i use lunar paired with this?
Lunar is unsupported but you can run fabric on lunar
Any issues you run into on Lunar we can’t help with
im not running on lunar right now, but why is this bugged?

That's transparency bug by Distant Horizons.
how to fix it
Set transparency to complete in DH -> advanced -> graphics -> render quality
I have made a clipboard shortcut for myself...
- Distant Horizons settings,
- -> Advanced settings,
- -> Graphics,
- -> Rendering,
- -> [Transparency Mode]
Set it to Complete.
If it's already at Complete, try setting it to None then back to Complete. Restart if the issue persist.