BSL With Everything Off Worse Performance Than Sildur's Enhanced Default Fancy
Title says it all. It used to perform comparably. Here's some relevant info:
26 Replies
I tested this on my laptop and got 43fps for bsl and 42fps with sildurs
Gtx 1650
Which version of Sildur's?
Well, something was wrong with how you tested it because I get 100 FPS in Sildur's and I can go higher, that's just the default
im running the game 3840x2160
1080p here
Anyone know what's wrong/have any ideas?
I don't think there's anything wrong here, BSL is a more demanding shader than enhanced default
No it is not
BSL can be more demanding
It can also be less demanding
Notice how I said "BSL with everything off"
I've also used both before and got similar performance in the past
Specifically version 1.19
Lily tried it and got the same performance in both
Please don't fill up my thread with things that aren't true...
yes, bsl with everything off is more demanding than enhanced default, at least on the desktop I'm currently running. I assume laptops have even bigger struggles
No it is not
Did you not read anything I just said?
lily moves the bottleneck around by playing on high resolution
That doesn't matter nearly as much as you seem to think it does
causing both shaders to perform exactly the same
Also, are you telling me I was hallucinating them performing the same in the past?
Like what even is your goal here?
With all of the information you have been provided, you are obviously just lying, but why?
I can assure you I'm not lying, but I'm not all-knowing just because I have a role color :ioa:
You are lying
It's not a question
The question is "Why are you lying?"
lying implies intent, i was just genuinely wrong. Retested with everything manually set to off, now the performance is equal while looking way worse, but that's beside the point
Go away
Are you illiterate?
BSL With Everything Off Worse Performance Than Sildur's Enhanced Default Fancy
Making an assertion repeatedly while not knowing the truth is lying
You sat here and tried to gaslight me into thinking I was hallucinating
You're being insufferable, I don't want your help
yes, now that I actually CONFIRMED THIS I was going to attempt to help you, but you're being insufferable
thank god
Because I should have to put up with the way you were treating me and not get upset about it, sure. Great logic
banned x2
Did a war happen here